December 22, 2005

Weighty Issues

I’d never thought I’d see the day. I’m actually doing my releves, eleves, plies, stretches and strengthening exercises everyday. Mom and I go walking or jogging daily. And I’m watching what I eat.

Reasons for the Occurrence of the Rare Phenomenon:

My body is God’s temple. More than fleeing from sexual immortality, I have to keep it fit. It’s what I have to move in and serve God in while I’m here on Earth. It is His instrument. I must take care of it. Hehe...Yeah, it took me a while to reallly listen to this.

Pointe shoes. I can hardly maintain a simple fifth position on pointe. I can’t walk three meters without collapsing. I can’t do echappes or pirouettes. The way I see it, I can either wallow in frustration or take it as a challenge to work at it. This is where patience comes in to work with passion. Weighing less will definitely help too.

Dance ministry. While it is primarily worship, it is also performance. And who knows, maybe one of these days, someone can actually lift me and I can do what I only do in my dreams: soar!

I want to fit into my high school clothes again. *Laughs* That way I gain a larger wardrobe without the expense.

It will certainly take longer to get fit and healthy again than it took me to get flabby. But one always has to take a first step. From there, one has to keep taking steps.

I hope this becomes one of my unbreakable habits. Like I said earlier, these things are easier at home. You don’t have your academics to worry about, you can do the laundry anytime and Mom is a fitness freak.

Please, please, please God, kulitin Nyo po ako pagdating Natin sa UP. Jogging tayo Lord. :)


If there’s one thing I’m a little miffed over in the wake of my brothers’ grand arrival, it’s food.

See, it’s easy to eat healthy when it’s just me, my parents and grandmother. Yes, I said eat healthy folks. I know, some of you are shaking you’re heads and saying “Oh, come off it. It’s the Christmas season! There’s no way you can sanely attempt doing that!”

Yes there is. One can do it in the Mendoza house if you’re with my parents and grandmother only. They all have to watch what they eat due to various heart problems. So it’s fish and vegetables every meal. They shy away from fried food and when they do have to fry they try non-stick pans or using the smallest amount of oil possible. Dessert is always fresh fruit. They eat small portions so you don’t have anyone to be jealous of. There’s a steady supply of low-fat milk, lettuce, tomato and cucumber in the refrigerator. There’s not even a shadow of junk food, chocolate, cookies or jam in the house. So if you want a snack go grab an apple/banana/orange or stick your head into the ref and get the pre-sliced papaya/mango/pineapple. Carbo feast? Go cook some rolled oats or grab Carr’s table water (biscuits made without any shortening whatsoever!!!). It’s a veritable dieter’s heaven any time of the year!

But when my brothers come home, they’ll be scouring the kitchen hourly, prowling for prey and they’re picky about their prey. Mom’s already stocked the pantry with ingredients for Italian food, fruit salads and ref cakes. There’s ham, bacon and longganisa in the freezer along with pork cuts for lechon kawali. There’s packs of Pillows, cookies and chocolates somewhere in the house too (she hides them so supplies last). The heaven has turned into hell!

I must make it clear at this point that my Mom doesn’t do this just for my brothers. She does it for all of us college kiddies. She thinks it’s the only time we have decent meals and she’s right. But when I’m the only one home, it’s more economical to have me eat what’s on the table (it’s decent compared to dorm food!) than prepare off-limits food just for me. And I can convince her to not cook any when she thinks I’m deprived. We both enjoy the oats, the biscuits and the fruits without having to glance across the table to see mounds of rice, ulam and chocolate.

Others may tell me, “Well then, stick to what you’ve been eating even if your brothers are home and the meal is meat.” For those of you who can do that, I commend you. I can’t. I guess I have to hone my skills at eating small now.

Sigh. Why must fat taste so good?

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