August 11, 2005

Written August 4: All I Want to Do is Dance...

Yesterday, DCF held an evangelistic night. Sorry to say the highlight of my night was when I met Ate Hazel Ramos, former Ilang Chairperson and leader of the Alab Yahweh Worship Dance Ministry. They danced Josh Groban’s and Charlotte Church’s “The Prayer” and me, Roxanne and the rest of the DCFers present at the Missions GA last year just had to smile.

What a coincidence (or was it). ICF has a lot of dance freaks. The ladies love street dance and jazz. I love lyrical dance and ballet. We danced “The Prayer” last year too. The Alab Yahweh ladies did a better job though. :) Wow, ICF has a heritage of dance!

I spent most of the GA in an excited conversation with Ate Hazel. We talked about how we found our love of dancing, what we learned from schools (she went to Halili-Cruz) and what to do with our love for movement. Ate Hazel talked about worshipping God in movement, how choreographing a piece took her ages of waiting on the Lord for inspiration and direction, how Alab Yahweh started and how it was important to keep oneself pure in relation to being a dancer. God used her a lot to encourage me in the dance ministry (that has yet to take shape).

I got introduced to two other members too. Let’s call them the Twins for now. I forgot their names, I’m so bad at names (shadow of Alzheimer’s?). They were such an encouragement too.

I’ve been praying for God to send someone who can disciple me in dance, worship and God. The answer arrived five months later but I can’t tell you guys how great His timing is. Not just because the Cantata is still some way off and we have lots of time. Meeting the Alab Yahweh members turned my life around just at a point where I was getting way of track spiritually speaking. God’s lovely divine appointments. [Smiles and shakes head in suppressed laughter]

The talk made me think about worship too. I seem to know so little of something I am called to do in everything I do.

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