"Why wait and burn in lust?"
--- Kuya Dave, December 10, 2008
coffee anyone?
1. On the trip home. Carlo complained of a mouth sore and I teased him that they cook sinigang at home. I didn’t know what they’d be cooking for lunch but sure enough when we got home, pork sinigang was for lunch. But Carlo forgot all about his mouth sore and ate. And ate. And ate some more during the course of the weekend. I think he especially loved Mom’s cassava cake. If he had stayed any longer, I’m putting my money on it that he would have gained the six pounds back.
2. On the trip home. Chicken skin. Always the chicken skin on my arms. I can’t seem to get warm enough.
3. My nose about to bleed while Carlo and my mom discussed oil prices and stocks. And then my nose about to bleed when Carlo and Omar almost went into a similar same discussion.
4. Carlo discovered where I got my “I-can-do-this-myself” attitude when Mom puts away a heavy turbo broiler all by herself.
5. As my dad pulled up to the house, my mom jokingly told Carlo to go hide. Everyone had a laugh.
6. When Carlo made mano on Dad, Dad had to look twice because he thought it was Omar.
7. Over dinner. Dad slipped and asked if why we weren’t singing happy birthday to Carlo. Mom apparently forgot to coach him that they were supposed to act like they didn’t know it was his birthday. Carlo’s ears turned red. Hahaha...
8. Again over dinner. Family asked if we were born in the same year and they found out that I was a month older than Carlo. We were right about the shaving thing. Unshaven, Carlo looks more mature. Shaven he looks younger than his 24 years. Omar said “ Kaya pala mukhang mas bata kayo...” I’m assuming the unsaid words were “...kaysa kay Ate”
9. Carlo scraping the cassava cake crust off the aluminum foil. Told you he liked it.
10. After dinner. Carlo gets up to help me with the dishes and I surprise everyone including myself by saying “Upo!” in a stern voice. He promptly sits. While I was cleaning up the table, my brother tells him, “It’s not too late to back out, you know”
11. Waking up to my mom saying “Kristina gising na si Carlo” at 7AM. People. Sunday. 7AM. Carlo is such a morning person. That’s got to be the earliest I’ve been up on a Sunday in a long time. These morning people talaga o. But had some fun listening to him and mom tell stories while I sat next to Carlo at the kitchen table half asleep.
12. Slipping with calling Carlo “Hon” in front of my family. He had a couple slips too. Habits are hard to get rid of even in front of family.
13. On the way back to Manila. Family texts Carlo instead of me. It seems they have opted to communicate to the both of us through him when they know we’re together. Gee, did not expect that to happen this early.
14. On the way back to Manila. Carlo falling asleep mid-sentence. I couldn’t even understand what he was trying to say. Hahaha... But how I wish I could just freeze that moment with his cheek resting on my head and our hands clasped together.
15. On the way back to Manila. Someone cried. Good thing that was resolved quickly. Hehehe
It is afterall, a crazy oppurtunity. The type a lot of people would give their lives for. A near cousin to the desperate wish for some long-lost relative who suddenly dies and leaves you a fortune. I should grab it I know.
Grab it and run like crazy indeed. But I cannot discount what this race may cost. And I find no motivation to run it. I’m still trying to figure out if what I feel is a shadow of the immense fear that haunts me. I have never liked change. So many of my meticulous plans have been woven to try minimize the unpleasantness of change. And here I am faced with another "upheaval".
I believe God is above all things. The Sovereign Lord. I believe He has a perfect will. I might not always walk in that perfect path but somehow even my strays are incorporated to that perfect path. I believe that while it’s unlikely I’ll wake up to writing on my wall or bump into a bonfire of holiness along
Not something I do well. Appreciate your prayers on the decision making process. Thanks folks.
* I’m not saying this is impossible. God can choose to speak to me or any of us in supernatural ways.
Okay, corny.
Anyway, I read that Dark Knight revenue has earned more than $300M to date. That's still half of the Titanic record of just over $600M but I am holding out hope that DK will shatter that record. DiCaprio or Bale? Iceberg or Joker? It's not that hard to pick the better one. And while Titanic was a repeat movie for shrieking females, DK is repeat audience is covering larger, more diverse ground from high school kids to kids at heart who pay taxes. I just hope kiddie kids stay away from this movie.
I need to watch that movie again. Joker is simply the most entertaining evil to watch. If you haven't watched it yet (I only watched it last weekend), make time to do so. As Kuya Butch said, it is worth every penny.
Or someone else's pennies if you find someone who's willing to pay for you. =P
So I can make use of my sick leaves. AND maybe my upcoming NEW, UPGRADED Maxicare card. HR informed me that my health card will be upgraded because of my promotion. Just a thought. A wistful wish for a guiltless day away from work.
We've restructured the team so work we're in the transition stage. I had the pleasure of informing one client that I was no longer in charge of one of the projects. And now, I have time to do some chatting and blogging on the side. LOL.
Guys, would appreciate your prayers for Project Counselor. If you know, you know... With knowledge comes great privilege. Wink.
Before anything else, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMAR! Wish you plenty of bungisngis smiles, impulsive calls to yours truly and everyone in the family, and teary eyed nights from getting love letters from across the Pacific. And congratulations on graduating next year! I believe you will.
Yey, I’m back in what I can only call my “resurrected self”. That’s what 14 hours in bed on a Saturday can do for me. I finally feel rested, a state that’s been eluding me for the past 3 weeks. Who can ever feel rested when your dreams are of the bottles of the client’s products screaming at you? Anyway, okay Week, BRING IT ON.
One of my closest friends is resigning. Sniff. I’m still in semi-denial. Whatever that is. I wish you didn’t have to go but you do. So I wish you happiness.
Just to cover all the bases… We’re an “us”. I do believe 15 days have passed since that night. And I only realized that because someone asked us last night. Hahaha… I am apparently a “guy” when it comes to remembering dates. Anyway, it has felt like it’s been on for quite some time so I’m not too conscientious about keeping track of that particular date. But I will be mushy on this thing: that I now have hands to warm my chilled ones.
Usually, I wake up on Mondays and can't help groaning and trying to grab some more (read: 10 seconds more) sleep. But to day I woke up and my tummy graoned instead... Uh-oh! At sinulat talaga...
Work load wasn't so bad either. Anyone new at MR, pray and pray hard for a difficult and complicated project to be your first project. Own it, cry over it, lose sleep and maybe friends (although I hope not) over it. Work really hard at it and embrace the experience. After walking through that kind of hell, the rest of your days in MR are in the RIGHT perspective. You NEED that perspective. Trust me on this.
My sleep cycle is discombobulated and I have GOT to fix it. Trying to stay awake at 3PM is... Terrible.
I watched SATC last Saturday. Warning #1: Watching the movie will make you want to buy shoes. Warning #2: Watching the movie will make all the shoes in the mall look like UGLY, DREADFUL CREATIONS. Blue Manolo Blahniks in the closet Carrie never got to use, be mine!
Had some good shrimp last night. Totally worth the P49.50 Claritin I had to take to stop looking like a total freak. Thanks C.
Wow, this is some random post. Hahaha...
"We're promoting you to..."
Got accelerated so I skipped a year of work as a Research Executive 1. Effective July 1, I am a Research Executive 2 and promotable to Senior Research Executive next year.
I can tell you that walking out of the conference room after getting the news without doing a petite allegro combination (pas de chat to pas be bourree, sissones in arabesque...) was a real challenge.
Thank You, thank You God!!!
Dear all at home in Pangasinan, you gotta let me take you guys out to dinner now!
I am excited. I am grateful. I am utterly terrified! But as I'm learning ever so slowly, Fear doesn't have to be my enemy.
Thank You Father.
Things I absolutely adore and need for my office space and my living space (wherever that may be in the next two months) but will most probably only look at every now and then to remind myself that I am not rich and earning dollars. :(
The life organizer. Sometimes bad things happen to organized people. Be prepared for disasters, both major and minor, with the Life.doc Organizing Binder from Buttoned Up. The Life.doc Binder has eight sections including: Family Basics, Insurance, Legal, Caregiver Information (won't be needing this for a while though), In Sickness & Health (oh, this I do need!), Dollars & Sense (probably what I need most), Emergency Plan and Home Sweet Home
These? Because maybe it will make me feel better about all the files on projects I have...
And this kind of office space except in blue and purple. But since when did corporate slaves have spaces like this? :(
I don't think I'll forget the image of our dear Pastor Bel Magalit raise his hands to heaven, look up with tears in his eyes and saying in a broken voice "I cannot understand how a loving God can allow this to happen"
And then lower his hand and bow his head and say "But I know that He is just"
And so much more...
The bombings in India...
The typhoon in Burma...
The earthquake in China...
Thousands dead, thousands more missing.
Stolen from Angela who stole it from… who cares? The GUY (emphasis intentional) who wrote says he has a lot of experience… again who cares? But I read through it and most of it is GOOD stuff! Fave’s are in blue, comments in violet
1. Whatever you do, don't just show up at their house...they run around in their underwear just like we do
2. DON'T CHEAT ON THEM. It may seem foolproof, but girls tell each other everything about everything. Trust me, they WILL find out and you will be mud. [And do not deny when you are confronted. Coming out or confessing is the better option here]
3. Beware of every single male relative and all guy friends. Any of them would kick your ass at the drop of a hat, and a lot of them wouldn't even wait for the damn hat. [hahaha...]
4. Never miss an opportunity to tell them they're beautiful.
5. Don't refuse to kiss in front of your friends. If they laugh at you, it's because they're jealous.
6. If they slap you hard, you deserved it.
7. Don't be afraid to touch them if you want to. If they're going out with you in the first place, it's because they like being in your arms.
8. If you don't sleep with them, do not tell your friends that you did.
8.5 If you DO sleep with them, don't tell your friends that you did.
9. You can be dirty minded in private, really...most of them are not offended by it...
10. Not all of them eat like birds, a lot of them can eat like whales.
11. Most of them don't mind paying half of everything, but they do discuss these things with their friends. Realize that if you make your girlfriend pay half all the time, everyone will know about it and your friends will know you're a pussy…
11.5 Do you honestly need all your money that much? Be a man, pay all the time!
12. Every girl should eventually get three things from her boyfriend- a stuffed animal, one of his sweatshirts, and a really pretty ring. Even if it's not a serious relationship. [doesn’t have to be a sweatshirt and doesn't have to be a ring]
13. Make sure she gets home safely as often as you can. If you're dropping her off, walk her to the door. If you aren't dropping her off, call to be sure she's home safely. [to be honest, I didn’t know I wanted (neigh, utterly adored) this until someone actually did this for me]
14. If a guy is bothering her, it is your right to beat the shit out of him [even if we believe in nonviolence, we would love to watch]
15. If you're talking to a female friend of yours, pull your girlfriend closer.
16. Never, ever slap her, even if it's just in a joking way. Even if she swats you first, and says, "Oh, you're so dumb" or something, never make any gestures back.
17. Go to a chick flick once in a while. She doesn't care whether you enjoy it or not, it just matters that you went.
18. You're dead meat if you can't get along with their pets, parents, and best friends. Be prince charming to their friends, Mr. Polite to their parents, and make sure to be nice to their animals.
19. Don't flirt with their moms… That's just freaky.
20. Don't be freaked out by PMS. It's not gross, and it really does make them feel like CRAP, so be understanding.
21. If you don't like the way they drive, you do it.
22. If you're officially dating, and you're introducing her to your friends, you'd better damn well introduce her as your girlfriend.
23. Don't stress where you go for every date. They REALLY only want to be with you.
24. If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked.
25. Girls are fragile. Even if you're play fighting/wrestling, be very gentle.
26. Memorize their birthdays. You forget her birthday and you're basically screwed for life.
27. Don't marinade the cologne, but smell good.
28. Don't give her something stupid for her birthday or Christmas or Valentine's day. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to be meaningful. Jewelry is always nice.
29. If you think the relationship isn't going to last, don't wait to find out. It will only hurt you more if you draw it out.
So Joy showed me her awesome (read Fi-erce!) pictures taken when their church went to the 100 Islands...
And I found myself utterly jealous and miserable. Dude, that amazing place is in MY province! And I've been there twice but never really taken pictures like that and never had THAT MUCH fun.
Why why why? *Bawls*
Back and forth we go
Trying to stay at square one
With our pennies already on the other side
Hop hop
We laugh
Then another hop back
As I hide my sad smile
For a movie with Jet Li and Jackie chan, Forbidden Kingdom's plot runs too shallow. Don't expect the storyline, cinematography and music of Hero. The fight scenes are good but at after some times, they begin to wear thin on you. I liked one scene though.
Chan pours and keeps pouring tea into the main character's cup (yeah, can you believe that Chan and Li have only supporting roles int his movie?!) until it overflows. Chan asks lead character Jason (who's so full of himself), "How can you fill your cup when it is already full?" Unfortunately, the meaning was lost on Jason who proceeds to throw his tea. Hahaha...
It's a recurring lesson in my life: You can hold onto your full cup or you can trust and allow it to empty in order to see God do "immeasureably more than you can ever ask or imagine"
13 days - until Payday *drools*
5 days - until you know you love me, XOXO Gossip Girl resumes *screams*
2 days - until I move into a new home *frowns*
5.5 hours - until the water supply to our village is cut off for some pipe construction along Shaw *bawls*
2.5 hours - until we meet *smiles*
1 hour - until I'm out of here (office) *woot!*
**Timelines assume that the world is not messing with me.
Must say lunch is always something to look forward to. A toast to us ladies for creating sacred lunch hour.
Anyway, today was interesting. Spent a good part of my afternoon and evening figuring out formulas on this template of ours (among other things)... I tell you now folks, I am no math whiz, but I rather miss the days of college when figures swarmed in your head like busy bees. At least I knew brain cells were still alive and kicking. Most days now, I feel like they have gone into hibernation. Today, after initial panic, I embraced the stress if only to know brain was alive.
Last night was even better. *Wink* Tip: At 7Pm on weekdays, head for McDonalds El Pueblo if you're in the Ortigas CBD. All Starbucks outlets are insanely crowded and if you need to have some quality time with someone, McDonalds El Pueblo with their amazing music mix is the place.
Mcdonalds Pearl Drive, when will you open your doors and let us have some of your wonderful fries and fantastic sundaes?
Work news: The boat is sinking BUT I can't jump off it until I get the whole 12 months and a bonus. Panic level at an all-time high but I can't let it get the better of me. Not now when I'm on my 12th month.
Home news: DUDE! It is incredibly difficult to find decent (read as affordable, near my office and ACed) housing. Just the thought of walking the entire San Miguel Ave, not to mention jepp and tricycle ride before walk... Argh! Brain is soup. So if anyone is looking for a place to live in Ortigas or is looking for a housemate (I can clean!!! I'm neat!!!), give me a buzz.
LL news: Uhhh... I realized I need some Expectations Management. Did some work in that area. So last Sunday was good. Had it's share of weird moments (Samahan kita tumingin ng swimsuit) but overall it was some good hanging out.
...like I was run over by a garbage truck
...angry, disappointed, frustrated. Talo ko pa ang isang Psych graduate sa galing ko sa pagprobe kahapon na ala In Depth Interview pero wala akong napala. He was the perfect example of the worst kind of respondent to have in a research study.
...sad. Sad for me. Sad for him. Sad for my parents. Sad for my mentors. Sad for my friends. I don't even know how to answer my parents.
...angry at myself because here I am YET AGAIN giving more than I am given, willing to risk my neck while the other person pulls the cord that operates the guillotine, still trying my very best to be a good person and a good friend even if I want to hit him, feeling bad that he's probably feeling bad right now, ang knowing that I may not have the willpower to walk away if he took but one little step towards me.
...grateful for all those who have tried to keep me sane, who've poured out wisdom, who've prayed are are still praying, who have hurt for me, who have gently rebuked me, who basically stick by me and give me hugs and boinkies
...that God will teach me a lot through this but right now, He knows I need to grieve