June 30, 2008


Before anything else, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMAR! Wish you plenty of bungisngis smiles, impulsive calls to yours truly and everyone in the family, and teary eyed nights from getting love letters from across the Pacific. And congratulations on graduating next year! I believe you will.


Yey, I’m back in what I can only call my “resurrected self”. That’s what 14 hours in bed on a Saturday can do for me. I finally feel rested, a state that’s been eluding me for the past 3 weeks. Who can ever feel rested when your dreams are of the bottles of the client’s products screaming at you? Anyway, okay Week, BRING IT ON.

One of my closest friends is resigning. Sniff. I’m still in semi-denial. Whatever that is. I wish you didn’t have to go but you do. So I wish you happiness.


Just to cover all the bases… We’re an “us”. I do believe 15 days have passed since that night. And I only realized that because someone asked us last night. Hahaha… I am apparently a “guy” when it comes to remembering dates. Anyway, it has felt like it’s been on for quite some time so I’m not too conscientious about keeping track of that particular date. But I will be mushy on this thing: that I now have hands to warm my chilled ones.


It’s a terribly comforting and extremely loving gesture to me.


Diablo said...

derogatory naman 'yung paggamit mo sa guys, na parang lahat kami ay ganun. ^_^

anyhow, happy for u tina. it's so romantic how you put it.

*happy birthday pala ke omar. happy birthday din daw sabi ni sandra.


Krissy said...

Awww, apologies.

To set the record straight, not all guys are like that. Some are incredibly thoughtful.

Anonymous said...

^_^ hehe, wala yun.
