I went wandering through SM today, wracking my head for something really great to give you, your graduation gift. Another stuffed toy? Inappropriate for the celebration. A necklace? Or a charm bracelet perhaps? Nah, boyfriends give that. A cashmere sweater? A DVD copy of House of Flying Daggers? A cute blouse? Right, like I have the fashion sense for that. A book? Ewww...
Obviously, I still haven't found an answer. Sorry that I still haven't thrown you your grad bash complete with song and dance number, tears, cake and wine. Tears come compliments of yours truly.
It turned out to be more heartbreaking then feet-killing to walk those mall halls to get you a gift of sorts. I will miss you. I don't want you to leave. This room, this dorm, this university, won't be the same without you! I feel like singing Ugly Girl with lyrics revised to "Can't you see? You're leaving me, for an ugly world...Dundundunun-nun..."
Hey, remember the time when I totally snobbed you in the Kalai TV Area? When you invited me to KalCF? When you went nuts when I enthusiastically murdered Moulin Rouge's Come What May song with Joy? When you taught me how to towel dry my laundry? When you prayed for me on a day that started my Christian life?
Hey, remember the time when we wanted to crawl back to Kalai after registering at Sampa? When we lingered at Benitez because we loathed Sampa? Remember, "Nellie, do you see what I see?" When I slept right through your groans of tummy pain? When you'd mistake me for a pillow and start wrapping your leg and arm on me? Remember the sheer relief of finally making it to Ilang?
There was that time when I nearly yanked off our PC from it's table during Star Wars. And afternoon naps where you'd be sleeping contently while I hung on to dear life on the edge of my bed. Remember the "Nellie, there's a frog on my bed" drop call? The dragging me to church in someone's sunglasses? The mess hall conversation where I found out that God had just handed me a genuine friend for all times? The phases we both went thorugh in our hyper Christian kiddy years? And that time when I morphed into a fish, drowned in water while on land, slamed into the closet, and knocked myself unconscious?
Remember the time I moved in and consequently fight times got a little more intense but our good times were nicer too? Remember Tina Rago's rage and your slipping me a note of comfort, yourself scared to move from your seat? Remember all those crushes? Remember "Why are you calling me? This is expensive"?
Remember you saying goodbye and me getting mad during my year as a non-major.
Remember the Cantatas and all their drama and the story that lay beneath it all and the secrets you'll have to take to your grave.
Remember the cockroach scream fests, the conversations that highlighted age-gaps in the room, the vanity shots in your ballet flats, that ballet controversy we had (all my fault, I know), the debate about how many times to soap, the laundry room revelations and laughs, the fitting room giggles, the movie marathons, the one time run around the Oval, the love life issues and late-night talks, the night we tried yoga, the times you taught me how to dance, the skyflakes and Yakult, the McDonalds deliveries, the bathroom sessions and confessions...
It is difficult to celebrate what looks to me as the end of moments like those above. Sigh.
But thank you for them all. Thank you for being a true friend, a forthright sister in Christ and the only person who thinks I am cute. Oh, and thank you for being the only one who will make an effort to understand my jokes or attempts at joking. You are irreplaceable. Your Ilang bed and desk should be cordoned off. But sadly, that won't happen without me getting kicked out of the dorm.
On second thought, that would leave me free to be your roommate at wherever you'll be staying...
Worth thinking about. =)
Obviously, I still haven't found an answer. Sorry that I still haven't thrown you your grad bash complete with song and dance number, tears, cake and wine. Tears come compliments of yours truly.
It turned out to be more heartbreaking then feet-killing to walk those mall halls to get you a gift of sorts. I will miss you. I don't want you to leave. This room, this dorm, this university, won't be the same without you! I feel like singing Ugly Girl with lyrics revised to "Can't you see? You're leaving me, for an ugly world...Dundundunun-nun..."
Hey, remember the time when I totally snobbed you in the Kalai TV Area? When you invited me to KalCF? When you went nuts when I enthusiastically murdered Moulin Rouge's Come What May song with Joy? When you taught me how to towel dry my laundry? When you prayed for me on a day that started my Christian life?
Hey, remember the time when we wanted to crawl back to Kalai after registering at Sampa? When we lingered at Benitez because we loathed Sampa? Remember, "Nellie, do you see what I see?" When I slept right through your groans of tummy pain? When you'd mistake me for a pillow and start wrapping your leg and arm on me? Remember the sheer relief of finally making it to Ilang?
There was that time when I nearly yanked off our PC from it's table during Star Wars. And afternoon naps where you'd be sleeping contently while I hung on to dear life on the edge of my bed. Remember the "Nellie, there's a frog on my bed" drop call? The dragging me to church in someone's sunglasses? The mess hall conversation where I found out that God had just handed me a genuine friend for all times? The phases we both went thorugh in our hyper Christian kiddy years? And that time when I morphed into a fish, drowned in water while on land, slamed into the closet, and knocked myself unconscious?
Remember the time I moved in and consequently fight times got a little more intense but our good times were nicer too? Remember Tina Rago's rage and your slipping me a note of comfort, yourself scared to move from your seat? Remember all those crushes? Remember "Why are you calling me? This is expensive"?
Remember you saying goodbye and me getting mad during my year as a non-major.
Remember the Cantatas and all their drama and the story that lay beneath it all and the secrets you'll have to take to your grave.
Remember the cockroach scream fests, the conversations that highlighted age-gaps in the room, the vanity shots in your ballet flats, that ballet controversy we had (all my fault, I know), the debate about how many times to soap, the laundry room revelations and laughs, the fitting room giggles, the movie marathons, the one time run around the Oval, the love life issues and late-night talks, the night we tried yoga, the times you taught me how to dance, the skyflakes and Yakult, the McDonalds deliveries, the bathroom sessions and confessions...
It is difficult to celebrate what looks to me as the end of moments like those above. Sigh.
But thank you for them all. Thank you for being a true friend, a forthright sister in Christ and the only person who thinks I am cute. Oh, and thank you for being the only one who will make an effort to understand my jokes or attempts at joking. You are irreplaceable. Your Ilang bed and desk should be cordoned off. But sadly, that won't happen without me getting kicked out of the dorm.
On second thought, that would leave me free to be your roommate at wherever you'll be staying...
Worth thinking about. =)
mwehehe... it is more painful to be left behind than to leave :D
drama naman :)
Awww. That's just so sweet...
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