Somewhere in Madeleine L'Engle's "The Moon by Night", Vicky's uncle says to her that perhaps the worse thing we can be towards God is indifferent.
Lately, I've been apathetic about a lot of things. But mostly about my walk with God. I feel like there ought to be something more, like I'm not doing enough, or that I'm not not doing enough. But I don't know what it is and, really, I'm just too tired or lazy to find out.
My shelf is crammed with Christian literature. I bought an entire batch of books last Christmas for the purpose of learning more about my faith and about life and God. But I haven't read a single one. During the Open House, I stashed them away in my closet lest someone comes in and thinks, "Wow, you read all that stuff?"
The appetite for anything theological or spiritual has waned. It's like I'm reading the same things over again. And I don't have a single original thought. I'm afraid that when my the women I mentor get into reading more books, they'll be exclaiming, "Hey, Krissy said this during this Bible Study..."
I can't dig out anything new and nothing excites. I don't see that abundance of life so promised, that brilliance of light and Spirit in my life, that peace and calm, that beauty I think someone who knows and walks in the Light should radiate.
I've taken to listening to Bible Gateway's audio Bibles because my mind just wanders when I pick up my Bible and read it on my own. I can listen to entire chunks of books before anything hits me. And the last time that something hit me was weeks ago.
What do I know about God? Why am I here? Why do I do the things I do? Why persist at this digging? Will I look in the mirror tomorrow and actually like what I see or at least not cringe? Why did You pick me? Why aren't You taking off this ministry?
This Lent: God, help me not give up on You and me.
Thanks to LG for saving my skin this evening and for gracing ICF with his zeal for the Lord and for the dorms...
Thanks to God for the rain, for being Jehovah Shammah, for promising that He won't give up on me, for knowing my needs, for giving my family the best care ever...
Thanks to Latasia, for providing me with vegetarian meals and helping me with my diet...
Thanks to Winsor Pilates for a program to increase my core strength and flexibility...
Thanks to Jordan for the invite to play badminton. So sorry I couldn't come.
Thanks to Watsons Katipunan for my medicine and bandages...
Thanks to ballet for being one of the things that makes me feel alive and worth something...
Thanks for all who pray for, all who hope in, and all who bear with your truly...
Thanks for the Cross and the blood...
a lot of thanks there i must say :)
just remember, always connect to our Source.
i really suggest that you may find time to digest the pieces of paper i have given you during ICF (not, literally of course) ;p
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