August 26, 2006

This week's quotes

Ann: “Ate, don’t you ever just feel terrified about your entrance into the real world after graduation?”

Me: “Right now, I only have enough sanity to be terrified about what’s going to happen next week, that paper defense and this exam. The real world and graduation? Well, they’ll have to get in line.”


A: “She’s **** and I’m ****. Think it will work? Would you change your religion for love?”

J: “It depends on how much your beliefs mean to you. If you’re just a nominal follower of your faith, I don’t think you’ll even think this is an issue. But if you’re the type to stake your life on your beliefs, well, then you have a problem. I would do it though. What do you think Kristina?”

Me: “Um, I don’t know what I think anymore. I used to be black and white on the issue. But it’s so tempting after a while especially when a guy who doesn’t share your beliefs shows an interest in you romantically and you like the guy, to loosen your standards, to sort of dance around a cordoned-off area.”


High school classmate to me: “Once, I thought of a single word to describe each person in our class. I picked bland to describe you. But you seem different now.” (rough translation of SMS)


B to A: You're so insensitive.

Me: Yeah, you are.

A: I knoooow. *Giggles* So many people tell me that. *goes back to reading her book*


Anonymous said...

hahaha! that "A" is funny... she's really living the insensitivity in her! haha! give her a break guys, it's her best "asset" (or the opposite of that) nyahahaha! jowk!

Krissy said...

cluuless ka talaga apple noh!

Krissy said...

here's a clue...A's someone you know...sobrang close sya sayo! as in, so close, you share DNA! or something like that

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! i know her now! that "A" person would be my evil twin (younger hehe) sister! nyahahaha! and yeah i attest to that qoute- nyehehehe :D (bad sister me)