Secularism promotes freedom of religion and freedom from religion,asserting that we should be neutral in matters of faith, that religious questions are irrelevant. But Dr. Ravi Zacharias explains that in embracing secularism, we have reduced life “to temporal pursuits disconnected fromall the other disciplines necessary for life to be meaningfully engaged.”With much candor and respect, Dr. Ravi Zacharias invites everybody tojoin him as he explores these issues and more on Tuesday, August 22, atAng Bahay ng Alumni, University of the Philippines – Diliman.
DR. RAVI ZACHARIAS was born into an Indian family descended from temple priests. He struggled over the meaning of life and, at seventeen, pledged to “leave no stone unturned” in his pursuit of truth—a quest that led him to faith in Christ. Today, he seeks to have dialogue with the intellectuals and has spoken in prominent universities such as Harvard and Princeton. He received his Doctor of Divinity from HoughtonCollege, New York, and from Tyndale College and Seminary, Toronto; and his Doctor of Laws from Asbury College, Kentucky. He was the Chair of Evangelism and Contemporary Thought at Alliance Theological Seminary, New York, for three and a half years. He is presently a Visiting Professor at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University,Oxford, England.Ravi has written more than 10 books including Can Man Live Without God?,Cries of the Heart, Jesus Among Other Gods, and The Real Face of Atheism.
Sponsored by the UP Christian Community, with Diliman Campus Bible Church, OMF Literature Inc., and YMEN
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