August 28, 2006


1) went out with nellie and eigen yesterday for bowling, a movie and lunch. turns out i have to make sacrifices in the form of chipped nails to win at bowling. i also have to loose all my poise to get that ball rolling in the right direction. lots of fun though.

2) i went to bed at eight last night but was awakened by the paging system. apparently, i was needed at the counter at 10:06pm. all sorts of possibilities ran through my head as i grabbed a sweater to cover my jammies and rushed out the door still half asleep. "is it dcbc people? but why would they come? dcfers? nah. if this is about my roommates not getting home before the curfew, i'm going to kill them..." it was my roommates. they were hanging out in the dorm office, waiting for their mcdonalds delivery. they were thinking that i was getting lonely in the room so they called me. i was torn between lashing out at them for disturbing my sleep and being touched by their thoughtfulness. being touched won out in the end and i got a large pack of french fries. hehe.

3) my goodness, he looked HOT today what with a blue polo rolled up to the elbows and dark jeans... and he held the door open for me and said hello... brain almost reduced to hash and meredith grey drama of "so pick me, choose me, love me" who'd have thought?

4) belly dancing is difficult...hack...nothing ever comes easy in this life.

5) i feel like speaking about god which is weird because we're not exactly on the best of terms right now. huh?

6) blog, whatever are we going to do with us? we're getting so shallow lately, resorting to pictures in an effort to still have some value.

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"