August 29, 2006

Another 100

1. When the DJ speaks bad english, it makes me run in the other direction.

2. Truth be known, I don’t mind marrying someone who’s more than 10 years my senior. Age is just a number. He better be alive when the kids are young though.

3. I have to have three shampoos in my bath basket. I don’t know why.

4. When reading Donald miller books or listening to Imago Dei sermons, I laugh and cry a lot.

5. Channing Tatum… *Dreamy Smile*

6. I don’t wear braces anymore. I still wear thick glasses.

7. My favorite place is Lake Tahoe in the spring.

8. I think a pair of chucks is essential to one’s wardrobe. I own a black pair. I will own a blue, red, pink, and green pair.

9. Given the chance, I could blow $500 on shoes. Just shoes. I'm another Imelda Marcos.

10. I subcribe to the following podcasts: Imago Dei (an archive of their sermons), Donald Miller (includes a reading from one of his books and interview with Derek Webb), Grammar Girl (incredible help), Vogue (for the frustrated fashionista in me), MuggleCast (Harry Potter fan resource), Jason Mraz (featuring commentary, music, backstage chatter, and voice messages from Jason himself), Anna Nalick (talks about her new album), GeekCast (can't you tell?), Brain Food (explores fascinating topics from everyday life and use science and mathematics to better understand the wonders all around us), Let's speak Italian (learn italian in small packs)

11. Long sleeved polo shirts and dark jeans on a guy make me come undone.

12. I like spaghetti to be sour not sweet i.e. Italian style not Filipino style

13. I have sleep apnea.

14. Things I sleep next to: Ipod, Cellphone, my glasses and my asthma medicine.

15. I want to be taller. I'm currently 5'5". To heck with the fact that there aren’t a lot of tall guys

16. I actually like airplane food. Crazy!

17. I was un-single once in my life. I regret it.

18. I like strawberry margaritas.

19. Scratch that. I love Imran’s sacred margaritas.

20. I love Grey’s Anatomy.

21. I’m actually sad to be graduating for the first time in my life. You should have seen me in high school, I couldn’t wait to leave.

22. I practice nail bowling.

23. I wanna learn how to belly dance. Specifically, I want to know how to do the snake hips move on Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie” music video.

24. I like most rollercoasters.

25. I still hate doing the laundry. I’m the kind of girl who will throw a single sock into the waching machine.

26. My eyebrows frustrate me lot. One of them involuntarily goes up when I smile making me look evil.

27. I’m an asthmatic who can’t not love cats, carpets and flowers even if they could kill me.

28. I’m a person you have to get to know to like. Maybe not even then. It sucks, I know.

29. I spend a lot on fruits shakes and yogurt.

30. I love bunnies.

31. I know how to cook sauteed vegetables and steamed vegetables. That’s all I know how to cook.

32. When I’m in charge in the kitchen, the meal ends up having a lot of onion and garlic and the fine china always gets set much to my mom’s dismay.

33. I've never stayed in a hospital for more than a day. I wish I have.

34. My blood type is B, Rh+. Just call me if you need some. I donate blood on a regular basis.

35. When I die, I’d appreciate it if the doctors harvest all viable organs.

36. I don’t like kakanin.

37. I will eat fish only if my mom threatens me.

38. I like acorns. I'm like a squirrel when they're around.

39. It takes me twenty mintues to take a bath.

40. I have four blogs.

41. You know I'm having a bad day when I eat three bars of chocolate in succession.

42. When I am able to dance Kitri’s variation in Don Quixote, I’ll know I have arrived.

43. For every thirty minutes I spend in a crowd, I need an hour alone. Yeah, I need that much downtime.

44. When I see a good book on sale, I can’t resist.

45. I want to be a flight attendant.

46. My favorite PE in elementary was swimming. I wasn't good at it and I never made it to the team but I had a lot of fun.

47. I eat cakes layer by layer. I don’t like grabbing a forkful with every layer in it.

48. If I like you and you open the door for me, smile and ask me how my day was, you’d have successfully reduced my brain to hash.

49. I’m very liberal with commas.

50. I love trench coats.

51. I bake a mean batch of oatmeal raisin-chocolate cookies.

52. I can do front splits.

53. I like it when my dad dances. It's a dance that's just so un-self-conscious (how is that supposed to be?) and hilarious that it celebrates life.

54. My brother Mikhael is okay with carrying me on his back. I like being carried a lot. Poor bro.

55. I’m terrified when a baby is put in my arms.

56. I’m not a big fan of precious stones and gold. I don’t wear a lot of jewelry and when I do, I stick to silver.

57. I love Jack Johnson’s “Better Together”

58. When I play Sims, I don’t care about the sims. I care about designing the house. When the house is done, that game’s over.

59. I don’t watch TV a lot so when I do I’m like a crazy person. I get worked up over the commercials. Drives my brothers and mom nuts.

60. I like v-necks. I like basic and plain shirts. If you see me wearing something cool, that’s because either my mom, Aunt Remy or Arman bought it for me.

61. I own two boxes of nail polish. I can’t explain why. I really don’t need them and a lot of them look almost alike.

62. Cockroaches make me cry.

63. When someone cries in front of me, my brain hangs. I don’t know what to do except hug them.

64. Snow may be overrated but I love it.

65. Jamie Sale and David Pelletier skate so well that sometimes I can't help crying.

66. Every time I hear songs with the message 'I am on fire for You Lord" I have a weird compulsion to scream at the radio. (from the original list)

67. I wish I had a refrigerator in my room.

68. I don’t get anime.

69. I don’t think I could spank my kid.

70. I have a hard time describing my natural hair color.

71. I want to dance the story of the woman caught in adultery who was forgiven by Jesus.

72. I don’t like Mexican food.

73. I can’t sleep with the lights on.

74. Most of the time, I have to imagine I’m being hugged just so I can sleep.

75. I have a lot of accessories but I don’t use them.

76. I laugh a lot when I’m depressed. I can’t figure out why. I’m just like that.

77. I prefer bowls over plates, forks over spoons.

78. I don’t like banana ketchup.

79. I want a red RAV-4.

80. I like nature. I love parks and gardens. But don’t ask me to grow. I don’t do gardening. My mom is not happy about it either.

81. I’d love to sit in a ballet company’s studio and watch them rehearse.

82. It’ll be my birthday soon. I’ll be two decades and two. Cool!

83. The only time I wish I were a guy is when I like a person who doesn’t like me.

84. I like rock music now. Nellie, that’s the shock of your life and mine.

85. I tried to learn tennis when I was a kid but I was a total loser. That tennis ball had me beat just chasing it all over the court. I tried to learn it because my best buds, Allan and JP, won a lot of competitions and were popular. I wanted to be popular and important too.

86. I’ve tried the lottery once. I didn’t win. Erg.

88. When I’m nervous, I smile a lot.

89. In sophomore year, I was smiling in class and the professor called me and demanded to know why I was smiling.

90. In ballet class, I was smiling when my teacher was correcting my rond de jambe and she made me stop. She asked if I was taking her seriously or not. I shouldn’t smile when I’m nervous but I can’t help it.

91. This makes me wish I had sweaty palms instead. No one notices sweaty palms. No one associates smiling with anxiety and that's the whole trouble.

92. Sometimes I care too much about what people will think or say. Sometimes I don’t care at all.

93. Stop telling me to get a life. I have one.

94. I haven’t watched a single Star Wars movie.

95. I am a frequent social casualty.

96. Despite numerous warnings from my bestfriend, I still want a boyfriend.

97. I will probably die single. My standards are too high and too many.

98. If worse comes to worse, I’ll adopt a kid.

99. I think I drive my roommates crazy with a single sentence: “Let’s clean the room.”

100. My study break is over.

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