June 26, 2005


Excuse my ignorance... Tea DOES contain caffeine.

Wow, I should be more ignorant more often. Lots of people respond when you make a mistake. :)

However, I did some research (should have thought of doing this before making stupid statement) and while tea does contain caffeine, this is offset by the fact that tea is good for you. It's an antioxidant, it helps your immune system and it does a whole lot more. Visit lipton.com for more information.

The next post will be good. Trust me.


Anonymous said...

coffee is good for you too! trust me!

i've been drinking like 4 to 8 cups a day - and look at me!


Krissy said...

fine...will provide a link, an unbiased link sometime soon..

Krissy said...

I have decided that ignorance is indeed bliss and that ignorance kept to yourself is even more blissful.

Anonymous said...

I received a Lipton flyer some time ago and boy, was it biased. I didn't care then, I love tea. Pass me an oolong please. hehe.

PS tell nellie that if she does not give me her blog name, she won't get what I promised to her. hehe.