June 14, 2005

Hangover Blues...

Don’t you just hate the day after a three-day long weekend? I practically dragged my sluggish self around campus today.

President GMA declared yesterday a non-working day in celebration of Independence Day which really took place last Sunday. When we informed our German 10 professor of this last Friday, he remarked, “For a country that is not at all rich, we sure have a lot of holidays that we don’t celebrate anyway. For example, they give us a week off during Lent, but everyone’s at the beach or partying instead of doing Christian rituals.” Good point.

Needless to say, the weekend proved to be a rather interesting one, both in the larger and more personal spheres I exist in. On larger scheme of things, the weekend was witness to another political brouhaha in our ever politically unstable nation. This former NBI guy, Ong, surfaced and said he had wiretap tapes that could prove that GMA cheated in the elections. This got the opposition and some groups calling for her and the vice president’s resignation. The Philippines is known for the People Power revolutions and last Friday seemed like another spark that could ignite the fourth installation of People Power. For the whole story, check out www.inq7.net. My mom actually wanted me to get on the next bus home because she was afraid things might get dangerous here on campus and in the capital [Note: UP holds the reputation for its activism. Rallies and activist what have you’s the norm.] I had to convince her that I was in no danger and had to promise her I would join no rallies (I never have anyway) and would not leave the campus.

Anyway, nothing came out of the panic. None of the protest rallies amounted to much. It grated my nerves when the opposition called for the president’s resignation. Just who was the alternative leader they had in mind? While GMA has a lot to answer for in regard to the controversies which are sprouting up in an alarming rate, it doesn’t mean that she resign while she’s at it. It only shakes things up more when the opposition does these things.

In my own little world, me and my roommates accomplished nothing much. We did have really good goals for the weekend but we got hooked on Sims Superstar (I’ve achieved a modest modeling career for my Sim). When we tired of that, me and Nellie obsessed over the appearance of our blogs. What we achieved during the late night tweaking of the HTML templates of our blogs is on display. This coffee-porch-cloth thingy on this page represents around eight hours of staring at the computer and trying to decode HTML. Well, I must say, I’m very pleased with the results. Nellie amazed me by staying up until 2 AM fiddling around with her blog. All this explains the absence of posts.

I enjoyed last Sunday’s service immensely. Pastor Jong gave a little rebuttal of the Da Vinci Code. I learned a lot and was really thankful for His Word. But what I really loved was worshipping among a multitude again. I’ve been away from church for three weeks (Note: My family is still Roman Catholic and I don’t get to attend services while I’m home. We don’t go to Mass either.) so it was such a blessing to be back.

I also endured two encounters with cockroaches. I hate the things. One crawled under my bed last Sunday and I went stiff with fear. Last night, another one (or perhaps the same one) appeared and went walking along the upper parts of the walls. It circled the room once before settling somewhere in the boxes on top of Nellie’s closet. As of tonight, that/those cockroach/es has/have yet to be accounted for.

Come out, come out, wherever you are cockroach…so Gillian can kill you while Nellie, Krissy and Apple scream in the background.

The school where my mom works has just been sold to another school. We're worried about what might happen to my mom's job. Please pray with us that she'll be retained and be part of the administration. I hope she doesn't get demoted. Please pray that in this time of uncertainty and shock (the president announced it today), God would just touch my mom's heart and grant her peace. I pray that this might be a venue for my mother to trust and follow Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

illuminati said...

GMA wiretap audio download

got a copy from INQ7

The list of links are in
