Pre-photoshoot: Weird Groupee Krissy before make-up session:

Oh, really? I get my own photoshoot for being the best groupee?

Oh, never mind the long wait.

Oh, really? I get my own photoshoot for being the best groupee?

Oh, never mind the long wait.
I'm a patient groupee.
Rockstar Genius Nellie can take her time.

Almost ready: Weird Groupee Krissy after make-up session in which
it is painfully obvious that nothin much has changed

Weird Groupee Krissy strikes a rocker pose

Almost ready: Weird Groupee Krissy after make-up session in which
it is painfully obvious that nothin much has changed

Weird Groupee Krissy strikes a rocker pose
but doesn't get it quite right...

Weird Groupee Krissy gets the rocker babe image right...

Weird Groupee Krissy gets the rocker babe image right...
"My idol would be so proud of me!"

Weird Groupee Krissy

Weird Groupee Krissy
hypnotizes studio management into
doing a photoshoot of her and Rockstar Genius Nellie together.
Wow!!! Nice... guitar! ;-P
Hehe...Yeah. That's Worship by the way. :)
o.....k.....! you named yr guitar!
actually, i shud too. after all, we've been thru so much together.
nah, that's Nellie's guitar. I don't know how to play the thing! :) This here, me holding Worship, is just me holding Worship. It never plays any sounds in my hands. :p
oh, alrite. at least you know how to strike up a nice pose wif it!!!
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