June 12, 2005

News From the Home Front

Note: I wrote this last May 26, 2005, saved it and then totally forgot about it until now. I've just installed Sims and it's taking loads of space and so I went through my files to look for stuff to delete, and what do you know, I came across this. BTW, I apologize for my lack of more sensible posts lately. I'm busy settling into my new schedule and trying to my Sims gal into a fashion model.

I got home at 10, Wednesday night. I gave myself a pat on the back for surviving the commute to the bus station. It’s never easy to catch a bus and jeepney when you’re all alone with 3 heavy bags (what I couldn’t cram into the allotted three boxes I could store at the dorm, I had to take home). This and the fact that I can’t see the bus destination cards until they zoom right past me.

My Bible and spiritual journal got a little bath. In my rush to pack things after my finals last Wednesday morning, I neglected to place my toiletries in a Ziploc. So some of the Clean and Clear Foaming Wash got onto my stuff. (Yes, I’m endorsing the product. It’s the greatest facial cleanser that I’ve tried. And trust me, I’ve tried a lot) Good thing I covered my Bible and journal in plastic cover. So all I had to do was give them a rinse.

I’m enjoying gallons of homemade mango ice cream. Our gardens have had one huge harvest and now we have an unlimited supply. My mom puts the fruit into the blender, adds cream and some sugar and creams the stuff. Then into the freezer. By the next evening, the gallon container is empty again.

Omar got kicked out of the dorm and I’m actually very proud of him. LOL, that seems weird huh? LOL. Read me out. He signed a petition and joined a rally calling for the resignation of their corrupt and vile dorm director (I can’t even begin to tell you the bad stuff that’s happened to the residents in that dorm!). Well, they lost and the vindictive director had half the residents kicked out on fabricated violations, my brother included. (I will admit though that he has one violation. But he needs two MORE to be kicked out.) My parents are really worried and have given my brother quite a scolding for what happened. It confuses me that such is their reaction when our whole lives, we’ve been brought up to fight for the things we believe are right. We’ve certainly seen our Mom go against our principals and teachers without so much as a blink of an eye if they happened to do something wrong. But then, it has occurred to me and my brother that perhaps our parents can’t afford to be as idealistic as we are. They are the ones who provide for our needs and worry for our well-being and that’s a tough job and I know they have had to make compromises. So for we keep quiet and let them vent. Omar and I talked and we realized that someday, when we have a family ourselves, perhaps practicality will win over idealism too. But, brother, for now, I am proud of you and what you did. It isn’t always easy to do the right thing and often, doing the right thing comes at a high price. I hope you find a cool boarding house. Your acads lah, do good again hah?

I watched Desperate Housewives last night and I really liked the show. I know, but goodness gracious, it’s quite entertaining. I also discovered Birds of Prey. Coolness too. Even Memories of Bali and Stained Glass couldn’t make me change the channel! Seryoso na ‘to! I also got to watch three hours of Samurai X this afternoon. My mom has been kind enough not to let me do stuff while a program I like is on. She knows how deprived I am. Hey, don’t worry, I’m still on kitchen duty.

So I have new laptop. But I am really reluctant to get this one and leave Salt with my brother. I really love, love, love Salt. Besides Salt is blue silver and this one’s black, a Dell. You know me, I’m all about aesthetics.

I’m finally getting settled down with my wavy hair. Geez, it’s taking me almost 21 years to get used to these curves! While, these strands don’t always fall the way I want them to, thick, wavy hair is cool. I admit that my hair type is the direct opposite of the current trend, but heck, when you’ve finally come to love your locks why pay for a rebonding session?

I’m having severe withdrawal syndromes. Give me an internet connection please! I’ll trade a gallon of healthy, homemade, delicious mango ice cream for it… Any takers?

Dad got another contract, this time for a group of Korean tourists. Thank You Lord!
Am a little worried over my Stat 122 grade… please, Lord… sana nakapasa (hope I passed).

NOTE: I passed my Statistics 122 with a grade of 2.25 which is wayyy better than what i've been begging God for. Thank You so much again. That grade's also the highest one that was given out in the class. Abounding grace...am so amazed (wow, that rhymes).Thank you all for your prayers. :)


Anonymous said...

Gallons of mango ice cream???? *salivating uncontrollably*

sigh... if only u had posted it much earlier!!!

i guess yr parents are just concerned that yr bro's studies might be affected. but i'm sure inside, they are proud of him standing up for wat is right!

hope things there are ok. seen lots of not-so-nice pics of rallies etc. but i know the media tends to blow up things. hope this is just another one of those occasions.

and yes, God is good! all the time!

Krissy said...

Oh I wish I had posted it earlier alright. :)

Things are okay. :) Thanks for your concern. :)

Grace to you!

Anonymous said...

hi christina!! hehehe...me chatbox ka ba? or somethin so we can chat (tho,we're just rooms apart!harhar!!) ur blog is nice! wooppee!!!>>>mara 131

Krissy said...


Actually, I don't have plans of putting a tagboard here. I think this way, people are encouraged to comment. :)

You can add me on Yahoo IM though: kh_mendoza@yahoo.com. Hehe, puntahan na lang kaya natin ang isa't isa? But sige, iharness daw natin ng todo todo ang internet features natin.

Thanks for dropping by. Sorry magulo dito.

Krissy said...


For some reason, I can't comment on your blog. It keeps telling me it encountered an error...oh well, will try again someday. I've been in front of this thing for too long. I'm off to bed.

Anonymous said...


nice new look!

i'm envious! ;-P

Krissy said...

Hehe...thanks! I did the porch-coffee pic by myself. Er, well, not exactly. I edited pictures to make it up. :) Had to take a crash course on Adobe Photoshop. ;)

I'm gloating I know...

It kept me so busy that I haven't posted a thing!