June 17, 2005

Homework #1

Well, it's the weekend again and I 've tons of homework thanks to my diligent professors at the School of Statistics. I love my new major. Honestly, I wonder where my dream of 18 years went all of a sudden---I'm talking about my dream of becoming a surgeon---and then I realize it's still with me, in here somewhere. I guess I just took a different route to that career or I can find other ways of satisfying the desire to heal and care that is inherent in me.

Amidst the homework load that I have, some of it imposed by my brilliant professor (Am not sarcastic. Post on them coming up) and most of it self-imposed by moi in the effort to cultivate excellence in my academic sphere, I'm starting a new "series" called Homework, an idea I got from reading Amanda's archives. The idea is that every Friday, for as long as I have Internet, I compile a list comprising of twelve items. What those twelve items are depends on what Homework is for that week. Corny? Maybe. But who cares? I certainly don't.

Homework #1:

12 Thank You's for your Roommates

1. Thanks Gillian for bearing with my hysterics when roaches appear i.e. for never killing me when I wake you up with my screams.

2. Thanks to Chele(ex-roomie) for all her DVDs

3. Thanks to Nellie for "getting" me when I whine, which happens a LOT.

4. Thanks guys for waking me up in the mornings. Without you, I'd never be able to make it to my morning classes. With all of you trying to wake me, I have only myself to blame if I don't make it to class.

5. Thanks for the fashion tips and advice. I'd be a total disaster without your taste, sense and style.

6. Thanks for bearing wiht my OC tendencies. The Lord knows how nasty I can become if things fall beneath my standards. Sorry if you guys got offended.

7. Thanks for the subtle You-go-study-NOW cues that I get from you. This item goes out to Nellie most especially.

8. Thanks for laughing at me and my jokes and eccentricities. I never found a bunch of people who made me and my weird self feel so appreciated.

9. Gilliian, thanks for all the cutting adge practical advice and the pizzas, cakes, coffee and movies.

10. Thanks for giving me water when I run out of it.

11. Thanks for all the encouragement and rebuke.

12. Thanks Nellie for making me feel beautiful last Formal Dinner.

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