Of course, I don't agree with any of their nonsense. The Phlegs are essential is what I say. They provide stability. They are good diplomats. They are the calm in the midst of storms. But do my friends believe me? No.
But last night, when I watched In the Land of Women with Nellie, we got a glimpse into a world where everyone was either melancholic or choleric. And it was not the prettiest picture. Melancholics go running in the rain, go kissing people they shouldn't, don't ask for help, wonder why everyone is so disappointed in them, idealize people they fall in love with, handle break-ups badly and don't recognize the people who truly love them. They get punched, they punch other people, they write long love letters, they go jogging and then they hit a tree because they jog with their eyes closed. They tend to say the wrong thing at the wrong time with all the right intentions. They tend to jump to conclusions. They also feel sad or angry for no particular reason. All highly entropic stuff. I recommend the movie. A better title for it would have been In the Land of Melancholics.

I am highly indebted to Phlegmatics like LG, Joy, Sheena and Kathy. They have kept me afloat in my periods when I did or am all of the above except the punching and getting punched part. They are my flotation devices and if they were to be eliminated from my world, I would die.
Cheers to Phlegmatics, the world's water wings!
Nice pic... Hahahaha.. joke lang... Yey! I like the movie, and I will watch it again someday... Mabuhay mga phlegs, Mabuhay!!!
Joke lang na nice ang pic? Ganun? Hehehe... Mabuhay!
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