September 07, 2007

A Fresh Brew of Trouble

Mom had to use that tone of voice to get me to throw away those white ballet flats. They were so comfortable and the no-brainer addition to almost every outfit I could ever wear. They had taken me so many places and it showed. I threw them away with a heavy heart and wished I hadn't for days afterward.

It took me two years to fully move on after our less than a year together. It wasn't the person I missed I think. But the everyday, seemingly ordinary things really get to you. Having someone to talk to for hours at an end. Lunches and dinners together. Random notes and reminders. How are you? Here let me help you with that. You know better than that Krissy...

And that's how I've felt all week. I was never one to let go easily. And it really is the everyday things that get to you and tire you out. Today I feel like I've been dragged through a rougher ride than usual.

God, please help me believe that the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, that You are my cup and my portion, that there's a reason I feel empty and that You can fill me.

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