September 06, 2007

Food! Food! Food!

It's the worst possible time in the month to get the blues. Really. PMSing and then the blues. Or was the blues part of the PMS?

All I want to do is eat.

Roasted chicken. Lots of romaine lettuce and honey mustard. Raisins covered in dark chocolate. Double trouble from Bread Talk. Brownies! Particulary the walnut brownies from Starbucks. Sanfo chocolate sprinkle caramel apples. Garlic pasta. Strawberries. Strawberry ice from Quickly. Adobo. Thank God that Tita Fil decided to cook some last night...

But. Still. Wanting. More.

Pepsi Max. Chocolate crinkles. Green mangoes. Even if that means getting a bad allergic reaction. Shrimp sinigang. Even if that means getting a worse allergic reaction.

And then I look in the mirror and hear "One second on your lips, forever on your hips". Woman! Control yourself! It's food for heaven's sake. NOT LOVE!

Say it with me again Appetite.

"It's food not love."

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