We're one happy lot. It's not hard to detect humor and fun in the stories swapped in classrooms and dorms today. It sounds like Milenyo was one big adventure to all of us.
For the ladies of room 122, adventure fails to describe our Milenyo experience whose highlights for us included:
- a three day brownout
- rushing to the coop to grab candles and trying to study by candlelight
- our window screen threatening to fall down because it couldn't withstand the wind
- the tree behind our room falling towards our room resulting in cracked window panes
- the tree in front of our room falling (thankfully) away from our room and taking with it one of the lamp posts in the garden

- a rat entering our room throught the gaps of the window screen (apparently the fallen tree acted like a bridge between wildlife and us)
- a snake nearly entering our room. actually, we're not sure if it entered or if it slithered out so we're constantly checking the floor and our beds.
- dinner at 4PM presumemably because the mess hall didn't want to spend on candles
- night trips to the bathroom fraught with avoiding "cat bombs". Apple failed to dodge one on the first night.
- trying in vain to find a working ATM
- a short walk around to survey the damage which proved to be quite extensiv
- a trip to Marikina to charge all electronic devices especially our cellphones
A suggestion:
- The government or the utility providers should seriously consider phasing out electrical poles. Instead, bury the electric (and telephone?) lines underground. That way, we won't be so paralyzed by power shortages because of poles falling over
I went to SM North last Sunday. And do you know what? I could actually see the sky. No billboards in sight. Much better that way. Both for aesthetic and safety reasons.
Jollibee Philcoa had a great business day (night?) on Thursday. Establishments along Katipunan became extensions of dorms, houses, and apartments as everyone escaped the gloom and heat for some light, food and a chance to study. Yey for generators!
Of course, it may seem like a memorable, almost fond, experience to us but there are towns that are still in the dark, people in serious need, people missing and people whose lives were ended. Let's keep them in our prayers (however sporadic they may be?)
Ze iPod lives! Thanks to the Apple Service Center in SM North.
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