Ann, Apple and Gee threw me a birthday party 30 minutes before the end of September 24. They succeeded in taking me by surprise and making my mouth hang open for a few seconds. Then I grabbed my cam... (Haha! Apple you're the only one who knows how long to hold a pose for no-flash shots!)

It took me a minute to realize that the candles I had just blown out spelled out "21" instead of 22. Haha!

The roommates were mortified (most demonstrated by Apple)at their mistake but it was just too cool a mistake to feel bad over. Hey, I don't mind being younger!

Forks up!

Me eating the 1... Gee you're so cute!

Thanks roommates! I'll miss you gals!

Thank you God. You have taught me to hope.

Okay, maybe not as hopeful as to feel 12 again. Haha! That would be cool though.
Thanks to everyone who remembered!
ida and everyone in america: aunties, uncles,
cousins, friends; mom, dad, bros, nellie, gee, ann,
apple, janna, junette, salve, kuya caloy, the dcbc
sunset service congregation, anna b., gilda, sheena,
kathy, roxy, arbie, lg, jordan, auntie minda and all the
folks in ilocos sur
yay! happy! =)
me got a book for you. don't know which one yet though. hihihi. =P
Whoa...Yey! Haha! Will be day dreaming about it... That'll be a refreshing change from the usual daydreams...Haha
Thanks Kuya!
God bless! And you're very much welcome.. Praying for you.. ^_^ Mwaaah!
Ate, happy birthday to you. Grabe, you're 21. And I feel so much younger. Hahaha.
yet again a new journey to greet
and tougher challenges to meet...
just in case the road gets bumpy,
my coffee table's ready.
happy birthday tina.
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