May 19, 2005

100 random things about me and my world

1. I don't like Hillsong Music. *hides under bed and quivers in fear* I sense I'll be assasinated in the next 24 hours. I like hymns

2. For those who think I'm in the wrong generation, I'm not. I just really enjoy the oldies.

3. My bath soaps are Safeguard and Dial. Antibacterial soaps should be the only ones allowed to exist.

4. I am rather attracted to uptight, snobbish, serious guys, the likes of Mr. Darcy and Edward Rochester.

5. Colin Firth...Sigh. *Dreamy Smile*

6. My best pal's name is Nellie. (As if y'all didn't know that)

7. My favorite place is Singapore.

8. I want to design my own clothes because the entire department store in SM can't come up with stuff I like.

9. I don't want to be identified by a particular kind of music (eg: CCM or PW) or by a t-shirt. I want God in me to be the one reaching out to people. I think that by dividing our world into Christian and secular, we make a big mistake because the two aren't mutually exclusive. I believe in engaging our culture and not making a world of our own.

10. I am pro-life. I would gain much satisfaction from bringing down a saucepan on the heads of people who argue that the fetus isn't human or useful to society.

11. I will find it very hard not to fall for a guy who sings to me.

12. I live in an ladies dormitory and sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out on anything.

13. Green tea is good! When I can't afford it, I buy some Lipton tea bags, some milk and sugar...ymmm...

14. I have just stoped using My Utmost for His Highest. Not because it wasnt' any good, it's actually tres tres tres excellent, but because I can't understand anything Chamber's written. I guess I'm not ready for it yet.

15. I want to be taller. I'm currently 5'5".

16. On second thought, I want to be shorter (but thinner) because finding a guy who's taller than me is hard. Of course, the finding part isn't true, but you get me don't you?

17. A girl has a right to owning more than five pair of shoes.

18. I know someone named Benedict. The odd thing is, the person's a girl. She's my brother's girlfriend.

19. My love life record contains one entry. And it's so fuzzy that I really can't tell if it was for real.

20. The only reason I regret not being the high school valedictorian of our batch is that I didn't have a chance to get up on stage and say all that I wanted to say about the tragic state of Philippine education in front of the officials of the Department of Education.

21. I was the editor-in-chief of our high school paper. What's weird is that it was published in Tagalog and I am a filipino who is not fluent in our language.

22. I hated high school. I love university life.

23. I wanna learn how to ice skate.

24. I wanna play the violin.

25. I hate doing the laundry. Give me any other chore (even cleaning the toilet!) but this.

26. My favorite household chore is kitchen duty.

27. My favorite authors: Jane Austen, Donald Miller, Elizabeth Elliot, Agatha Christie and John Grisham.

28. I was born on September 24, 1984. My parents got married on January 1, 1984. Coolness.

29. Keep me away from Hilary Duff. I wasn't built to take her on.

30. I love cats and bunnies and pandas and dolphins.

31. Will have hard time not falling for a guy who gives me a cat or bunny.

32. I think tall people should be allowed to wear heels.

33. I've never been admitted to the hospital, never broken anything, never been in a serious accident. Praise God.

34. Josh Groban is it. He's hot too. :)

35. Charlotte Church's "The Laughing Song" never fails to make me feel better.

36. I like donating blood. I'm a type B.

37. My last will and testament will express my wish to donate any decent organs of mine when I die.

38. I want to be part of the Red Cross.

39. I'm really good at research, biology and English. I have to work really hard to be good at Math.

40. I want to catch the accent of people from Georgia.

41. My dad wanted to name me Megan but obviously my mom got tabs on my name which is
fine with me.

42. If I have any kids, here's the current pool of names I would pick from: Joshua, David, Zach, Ashley, Julia, Eliza Joy, Shanelle, Rachelle.

43. "Wedding Dress" by Derek Webb is the default stuck-in-my-head song.

44. I want to open up my own cafe someday and it'll be called The Porch.

45. I desperately wanna watch Cats on Broadway.

46. When I was in the fourth grade, I got so frustrated because I couldn't return the ball in my tennis class that I managed to snap the racket into two.

47. A birthday is never a birthday without cake.

48. I want to be a spy.

49. I can't do food fasts because I won't feel any different since I skip Breakfast
and Lunch most days.

50. The only Psalm in the Bible that I have memorized is Psalm 103.

51. I am looking for a older, married woman to disciple me. I think that at my age, this is what young women should have.

52. I want to work as a barista at Starbucks. I think it's one of the coolest jobs college students can have.

53. I never did want to major in Physics. I just ended up there and how that happened makes for another post.

54. I did want to become a doctor. Still do.

55. I can't walk in heels higher than two inches.

56. I was Catholic for 18 years. I've been a Protestant for almost four.

57. I want to send my kids to an International school where they get to interact with different cultures. I will always treasure my own experience.

58. I do not like tinolang manok. Yech!

59. At the next formal dinner of our dowm, I want to wear a sari or the national costume of Thailand.

60. "One tall rhumba please"

61. I own two journals and two online journals. How I manage all four amazes me.

62. I must have matching bedsheets. Otherwise, I just get really disturbed.

63. I wanna watch Les Miserable.

64. I have a very narrow vocal range, from E to G. 9Did I get that right Kuya Eigen?)

65. I want to learn the following languages: Italian, Korean, Hebrew and Arabic.

66. Every time I hear songs with the message 'I am on fire for You Lord" I have a weird compulsion to scream at the radio.

67. I want to start a fellowship at the International Center next door to my dorm.

68. Why, why did Friends end?

69. I identify with Ross of Friends the most. For those of you who know my love life, you can understand why. For those who don't, await post.

70. I like the ESV for my Bible Study and the KJV for praying.

71. Purple, Blue, Pink=fave colors.

72. Favorite cheap food: McDonalds and Jollibee

73. Favorite Expensive food: Japanese

74. I love to sleep and I can't sleep unless every light is turned off.

75. I collect drop earrings but seldom use them.

76. You'll know something is wrong with me if I am doing a lot of smiling and laughing. You'll know I'm fine, happy and content when I'm quiet and serious.

77. Even with spoons around, I'll eat with chopsticks.

78. I bless the person who invented ketchup.

79. The wheels I want: a red CRV or a silver RAV

80. Theme Songs: Phobic by Plumb, Art in Me by Jars of Clay, Be Still my Soul and Simply Love You by Ginny Owens and Be Thou My Vision.

81. I love bell-bottom and bootleg jeans.

82. I'm 1/16 American. Rather insignificant.

83. I'm the eldest among three children.

84. I've always enjoyed being a girl.

85. I play a rather mean game of badminton when I'm in the mood.

86. I want to learn how to do watercolor paintings properly.

88. Oh good grief, I'm running out of things!

89. I wear glasses. I've got severe astigmatism in my right eye. The left one is perfectly normal. So my lens aren't the same. One's a lot lot lot thicker.

90. I am a hopeless romantic.

91. I'm nocturnal. Bedtime is at 3AM (the earliest) for me.

92. My discipler's name is Jojee. She's a missions freak and the motherly type.

93. I really get extremly annoyed with the people who tell me to get a life.

94. Someone please explain to me the Star Wars phenomena.

95. I love LOTR and Harry Potter.

96. I am socially ungraceful.

97. I'm for waiting. I am waiting. I'm against pre-marital sex. I believe in the sanctity of the marriage bed.

98. I want to limit my wardrobe to the ff colors, boring as they may be: black, cream, white, deep red, olive green and lavender.

99. Me and cockroaches go wayyy back. They have made me scream like a banshee, cry like a baby and cry and luagh at the same time like a lunatic. I, on the other hand, have succeeeded in having them killed by my roommates who can't bear my hysterics when they appear.

100. I am lonely and wish I had a boyfriend. But I know better. Now, if only I can get my heart and emotions to follow my mind.


Unknown said...

i l ove this one, pwede ako nagpatotoo sa sinasabi ni ate krissy. all of these are true. oh, did ate krissy mentioned, she loves SUSHI?

Krissy said...

Oh yeah! How in the world did I forget the Sushi???!!! Maybe because I wasn't hungry at the time. :)


*Bows* Thank you, thank you. *Bows*

Krissy said...

Hah! Long reply ahead.

Nope, obviously still alive but have had many conversations in the last 24 hours because people have been asking me why I didn't like Hillsong stuff.

Hugh Grant, charming as he is, looks a little, errr...scruffy. [I've just myself up for assasination again!]

After high school graduation, I lived there in Singapore for a month. I had to come back for college. I didn't want to leave. Sigh. I looove the place. I wanna live there, work there, and, er, marry there?

It's that tough to become a doctor there?

Those...those...Arg! *Blood boils*

Sigh. *Dreamy smile* Yeah I watched that movie. Oh Lord, how hard can it be to get me a guy that sings?

I know about them donor cards but have no idea where to get them here in the Philippines.

Response to your gloating: Grrrr....

Fave cake? Chocolate truffle fom Red Ribbon

Try the heels... LOL

I used to be Catholic but when I became a Christian, I started attending Protestant churches. Went through a whole bunch before I settled, thank God.

Yup, I'm praying for it (not regularly though).

Yeah, it's like one of the cheapest fastfoods around here.

Yippee...{Mom, when are we going to Singapore and Malaysia again?}

Sometime ago, I could sleep with the lights on. Now I can't. I'm bumming hard.

Tried my hand at tennis before. Never got the hang of it.

On the boyfriend: LOL. That's sweet. But nope, ain't the time yet. I'm going to get it right this time around. And that means letting go and letting God.

Your enthusiasm in commenting amazes and challenges me.

Anonymous said...

Yey!! I'm here... Sige na nga, dito na ako... parang there's something going on at kailangan kitang bantayan.... Wahahahaha.
Anyway, I wana have a boyfriend too... Weeee... :) hehe

Krissy said...

me? *confused look* me need guarding? *looks around for sinister looking fellas* hah! dear, just what are you protecting me from? *more nervous this time* pero, uyyy, touched naman ako na trip mo akong bantayan. *pacute effect*

tara, hanap tayo ng BF...ay teka, ako lang pala... :)