February 11, 2006

Under the Wraps

"Desire, Passion, Excellence" sign greeted me as I pushed the studio doors open. It looks like Ms. Mylene has come up with a motto for our wee ballet school. She made us stand and read it out and think about it as we did our barre exercises. I love Ms. Mylene and the way she resembles what I imagine to be the ideal master to an frustrated apprentice way back in the Middle Ages. She is a reservoir of wisdom, knowledge and inspiration.

Cute new centre work for Level C: glissade, assemble (3x) sous-sous combination and the jete (4x), pas de bourree, pas de chat (2x) combination. Of course, I looked like a nut the entire time I was trying to do them, avid fan that I am of shortcuts and flexing instead of pointing my stupid foot (pointe shoes don't make life easier either). But, hey, I finished well (as always) and I tried and I pushed myself. Next ballet class is another chance to look less like a nut case.

Cheers to me for not falling off my pirouettes this time (and I hope it stays that way). But, even without getting to see how I look like when doing them, I know I look bad there too. I spin with a retire at the back of my knee and it's sheer genius how I manage to turn completely without falling because it feels like I'm leaning back somewhere in my turn. And in the time you're supposed to do two singles, I can only do one. Well, the point to celebrate is that I looked less like a nut because I didn't fall.

Thoughts while undressing after class: "I'll have to give Carlo that member list soon...Sheesh, Ate Anj gave me a Feb 15 deadline for the Sunset Service web content...My big toe really hurts. I must get new toe pads when I have the money. *strips off tights* Is that what I think it is?! Is that blood?! Why is my toenail bleeding?!!! Aaargh!"

And this is just the beginning. Sigh.

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