February 07, 2006


The month where the world gets heart and Cupid crazy is here. For my part, I think I'll just go a little gooey every now and then by posting my thoughts on love, courtship and marriage. I hereby forewarn each reader that anything I might write on relationships will simply be my own humble opinions and are by no means whatsoever the definitive thing to go by.


The guys at Narra have arranged a sort of pre-Valentine fellowship with the Kamia and Ilang ladies, which I think is rather thoughtful and sweet of them. This gives us all a chance to break the Synagogue Habit of ours. The Synagogue Habit is one wheere the ladies sit on one side and the guys sit on the other side of the room and we just stick with our group.

It feels weird because I think we ladies are thinking, "Um, we're supposed to let you be men and let you do the initiating right?" or "Do I just go over there and strike up a conversation? Gee, that seems a little daunting..."

And the guys must be thinking (a Kuya at church told me this), "If I go over there and talk to her, she might think I have a wrong motive" or "Kapag gagawin ko ito, baka mahahalata ako."

And so all these thoughts are flying around over our heads with ackward smiles all around from both sides of the gap. At least that's my comic image for it. It's sorta hilarious. But mostly just really ackward.

Another weird thing is walking together. We don't actually walk together most of the time. In my experience, I'm either walking ahead and thinking "Should I stop and wait for him?"/"Is he walking too slow or am I walking too fast?" or I'm walking behind him feeling absurdly Japanese (Japanese wives were required to walk three feet behind their husbands).

I guess both sides have lots to learn. I would appreciate a little agression though.


nothing when apart said...

hi, ate kristina!

how about mcm-icf joint fellowship? :D

delusion angel said...

i always considered walking as a measurement of how two people get along... and if they're self-centered. hehe.