August 31, 2007

This Side

Hello, I'm Krissy. I'm 23 and single. There are good days and bad days but all in all, I'm not all too eager for this season of my life to end. And for reasons other than I'm a little young for that end.

Don't get me wrong, I pine, whine and pray for a husband. My thoughts on marriage are still the same. But I'm discovering singleness as the gift it was meant to be and not the curse I always wanted to break away from.

It's an amazing time of discovering and appreciating that God made me a woman, appreciating my call in life as a woman and embracing the role I was created for. It's being about my self-esteem and where I should really find my beauty in. It's about being wooed by God until the time He allows me to wooed by someone else. It's making peace with myself and God.

Of course, it's also about weekends with girlfriends, about painting my nails purple, knowing that you can take on a job with crazy hours and being okay with messing up the cooking.

I look forward to its end but I will also miss it when I cross over.

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