October 30, 2005

Another one goes...

Second puppy died today. Dalma's been on a leash since the first murder but this afternoon, my mom was feeling sorry for her. Mom took off the leash to let Dalma romp around for a while. Dalma shot off to the side of the garden opposite the puppies so my mom went back to her euphorbias (they're in full bloom btw). Next thing we know, Jinky's yelping and Dalma has the brown puppy in her mouth. Mom ran and retrieved the puppy but it had suffered even more wounds than the white one and was dead by the time me and Mikhael found our flops for outside. This time it was mom who screamed at Dalma. Me and my brothers busied ourselves digging a grave. It doesn't take three to bury a puppy, I know, but comments had to be exchanged. Comments like "Mom shouldn't have let Dalma off the leash." But that's mom, a real dog's rights advocate. She likes her dogs happy.

Sad. Now we're down to one black puppy.

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