Family Mourns loss of White Puppy
Our dog jinky gave birth to three puppies yesterday: a white one, a brown one and a black one. Unfortunately, the white puppy slipped through the wire sheet walls of the doghouse and fell to the ground. Our other dog, Dalma (the very original name for our halfbreed dalmatian) thought it was food and bit it. We were all inside the house clueless to the incident until Jinky started barking. We rushed outside. I was the first one who got there. I shooed Dalma away and gingerly took the puppy back to the doghouse. The poor thing had a wound on its leg and a deep puncture wound on its underside. There was a lot of blood on my hands and a part of me knew it wouldn't live. I was crying there, watching Jinky lapping the puppy and getting no response. We were all so sad. My mom really loves white dogs and she was sad too. We both glared at my dad when he said he'd take it out of the doghouse and go bury it. It wasn't his fault but I guess we both needed an outlet. I went and screamed at Dalma.

Jinky and the puppy. If you look closely, you'll see the wound. So sad
CRS Finally Reveals Kristina's Grades
I passed!!!I passed my Statistics 131!Me and my mom were so happy. She even went to rouse my dad from his slumber to tell him. She said she'd get us pizza but she got us Pillows instead. Hehe, everyone happy this semester. My parents are glad that their three kids have done well, especially since we've told them that each of us had subjects we might not pass.
My Writer's Notebook is full of entries. Perhaps tomorrow I'll be in the mood to type them in and post.
wow - an emotional roller-coaster reading yr post. first, so sad! then so happy! then...
erm... ok. it was a quick roller coaster ride...
congrats! :-)
haha...been a little too busy to realize I was on a roller coaster back there.
on the puppy:
sniff, sniff... =(
on your grades:
yay!!! =)
Hi Kuya! Did you update your blog? The cobwebs are thriving over there. ;)
hey, i already updated my blog. i'm still composing my other post but i've already posted something there. =)
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