November 03, 2005

Low Productivity

Before the sembreak started, I compiled a list of things I could do to keep myself busy:

1. Read Sex and the Supremacy of Christ and write the review you promised you would write.
2. Choreograph I Can Only Imagine, just for fun. Ate KC is doing the serious one. i hay ve no doubt her dance is going to be superb. Mine will look like soggy spaghetti.
3. Go through closet and sort out old, outdated clothes and pack into boxes for charity.
4. Catalog books at home.
5. Create input for writer's journal at least once a day.
6. Introduce mom and dad to laptop that's currently stuck in the closet awaiting the end of days.
7. Read Harry Potter book 5.
8. Go jogging or walking for an thirty minutes each day.
9. Do stretches and releves for ballet every day.

Well, I have five days to go and the only things I've accomplished on that list are items 3, 4, 6, and 7. Lovely eh?

I don't have an appetite for Sex and the Supremacy of Christ just now. The appetite to read it waned considerably two weeks after I got the copy in my email. However, I have read the following ebooks this sembreak:

Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
The Artic incident - Eoin Colfer
Eternity Code - Eoin Colfer
Deception Point - Dan Brown
Digital Fortress - Dan Brown
The Broker - John Grisham
Calvin & Hobbes comics from 1985 to 1988

Reviews are in the making.

About the choreography, I'm dead meat. Janna texted me about three days ago and said that we're on our own. Skipping details, I am now back to being the clueless, worthless, choreography-less dance ministry head that I was two months ago. Now that the pressure is truly on, I'm stuck on the second stanza with no steps whatsoever popping up in my mind. I'm praying that a teacher from ballet school would be willing to choreo for free, then teach me the whole thing in a under two weeks (for free!) so I can teach it to the rest of the team and we can all practice it before the cantata. Which is to say, I am praying for a miracle.

As for items 5, 8, and 9, I don't do them every day so it doesn't count when I do. Besides, if I had followed the original plan, I wouldn't be sitting here with two pounds of extra weight around my waist.

One can only hope that the book catalog, laptop lessons and old clothes serve their purpose. that way, my sembreak would not be a total disgrace relative to The List.


merilion said...

just to let you know, krissy: cantata will be on dec 4 and 11. we'll be performing both dates. =p

Krissy said...
