June 08, 2007

Run Through...

...the woods, plop down on a plush carpet of grass and watch the sun rise or set. Ah, that would just be a perfect thing to do right now instead of sitting in an office pretending to deserve my salary for today. If I'm going to be paid, I'd rather I actually accomplish something, anything that actually helps this company or our clients. Better days (read: Stressful days of endless projects and unending consciousness) are coming and my workaholic soul looks forward to it.


My brother Omar has been in and out of clinics and hospitals. He has calcium oxalate crystals in his kidneys and that's causing considerable discomfort to him. There are more tests to be done while the doctors are trying to deal with the situation with medications. Hopefully, the crystals will cooperate with the meds and pass through or else surgical intervention will be needed. My brother has had a tough time lately and it's sad that he has to feel bad physically too. So if you could pray for him, I'd really appreciate it.


QTs really need to stand for Quality Times for me. I feel like I hit God then run. Like I was telling a friend last night, I really shouldn't be surprised if it's tougher to keep company with God, be still and know Him right now than when I was on campus with a million reminders of Him all around. I just need to see God in my new environment. I bet there are a million things that speak of His goodness and graciousness, His power and majesty here in my new world. I simply need to open my eyes and find them. And put a little more backbone into setting time to tune myself to Him.


YM Moment

Nellie: so after badminton ng monday am, uwi ka na?
Krissy: yeah...why did you wanna do something else?
Nellie: wala naman, just thinking what I'll be doing
Nellie: =)
Krissy: ah ok...cleaning after the mess i leave?
Nellie: you and mess don't belong in a sentece except if it goes like you clean mess
Nellie: =))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's kidney stones, right?
Well, I just remembered a story an aunt said several years ago. There was this woman who got diagnosed with kidney problems, but she had no money for meds. So she sat on a bench and just talked to God.
A newspaper clipping flew near her, and out of curiosity she read the article. I think it was about DOH tested herbs. She tried the one for kidney probs.
Blood mixed out in her urine. Then the complications stopped. Don't know if it helps but the local name here is "sambong". Btw, capsules are already available.