Reading ebooks is one of the most effective filters for books. A boring book will be deleted from my computer system in a matter of ten pages. But when a book is good enough, I'll endure hours infront of the computer to finish it. The Artemis Fowl series was worth the eye strain I was subjected to. The series consist of four books and I read the first three: Artemis Fowl, The Artic Incident, and Eternity Code. I'd say the books are to the fairy world what Harry Potter is to the wizard world. I was hooked from page one of book one until the epilogue of book three.
The series chornicles the adventures and schemes of twelve year old genius Artemis Fowl to secure more wealth for the family. He's backed by Butler and Juliet. You'll meet Holly, a fairy and a Lower Elements Police officer; Foaly, a centuar responsible for the high tech gadgets the LEP uses; and Commander Root, Holly's boss. In the first book, Artemis obtains the book that discloses all secrets of the fairy world, kidnaps Holly and hols her ransom for fairy gold. In the second installment, our characters handle a goblin war and the rescue of Artemis' father. The fairy world is once again threatened by a human in the third book and Artemis and his gang join forces with the LEP to contain the threat and avoid anarchy.
The books hold your attention with folklore, legend, magic and technology trivia. There's Foaly's sarcastic comments to keep you smiling and the mind of Artemis to keep you guessing. I enjoyed the ride immensely notwithstanding eye strain. And I'm itching to get my hands on the fourth installment: Opal Deception. It's all I want for Christmas. *wink wink*
Well, not all. I want the entire bunch, as in all four books. :)
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