October 30, 2005
Another one goes...
Sad. Now we're down to one black puppy.
October 27, 2005
Today's News
Family Mourns loss of White Puppy
Our dog jinky gave birth to three puppies yesterday: a white one, a brown one and a black one. Unfortunately, the white puppy slipped through the wire sheet walls of the doghouse and fell to the ground. Our other dog, Dalma (the very original name for our halfbreed dalmatian) thought it was food and bit it. We were all inside the house clueless to the incident until Jinky started barking. We rushed outside. I was the first one who got there. I shooed Dalma away and gingerly took the puppy back to the doghouse. The poor thing had a wound on its leg and a deep puncture wound on its underside. There was a lot of blood on my hands and a part of me knew it wouldn't live. I was crying there, watching Jinky lapping the puppy and getting no response. We were all so sad. My mom really loves white dogs and she was sad too. We both glared at my dad when he said he'd take it out of the doghouse and go bury it. It wasn't his fault but I guess we both needed an outlet. I went and screamed at Dalma.

Jinky and the puppy. If you look closely, you'll see the wound. So sad
CRS Finally Reveals Kristina's Grades
I passed!!!I passed my Statistics 131!Me and my mom were so happy. She even went to rouse my dad from his slumber to tell him. She said she'd get us pizza but she got us Pillows instead. Hehe, everyone happy this semester. My parents are glad that their three kids have done well, especially since we've told them that each of us had subjects we might not pass.
My Writer's Notebook is full of entries. Perhaps tomorrow I'll be in the mood to type them in and post.
October 26, 2005
Grades, where art thou?
I've been trying to access my grades since yesterday afternoon but the site keeps telling me, "This service is currently unavailable. Please try again later." I'm like the security guard for my laptop the way I'm constantly hovering in its foreground clicking away and hoping to get a look at my grades. I want to find out if I miraculously passed my Stat 131 or if I teetering by on a 4 or if I'm dead meat with a 5. This is driving me up the wall...
October 25, 2005
Updates: Puppy Love
Yeah, so, um, okay...updates right.
Well, I just remembered I missed Kuya Eigen's birthday. My cellphone+organizer is usually in my yougest brother's hands these days. He claims to have hollered at me when the reminder went off but I waved it off absentmindedly so here we are. Do you ever have those times when everything's whirring around you and people are having conversations next to you but somehow you're detached from it all and you can't hear anything? Yeah, I've been having a lot of those phases lately. Must be the boredom that settles in after the household chores are done.
But the e-books I downloaded [may be read as "pirated"] are keeping me company. So far, I've finished Deception Point and Book 5 of Harry Potter. Really good stuff. Finally, everything in Book 6 that was fuzzy to me (like "How did Sirius die?!") was explained to me. Reading books in the wrong order isn't something highly recommended.
I'm in the middle of Artemis Fowl and I could finish it in an afternoon (only 367 pages as a PDF) but my mother has appointed me the official chemistry tutor of my brother Mikhael. He got a passing grade but he needs some serious review so I'm reviewing my chemistry book for him. Teaching my brother is a rather pleasant experience. I try to make things seem fun and easy. He isn't fooled but the look on his face when he watches me and all my enthusiasm is priceless. It's different from all the other you-are-barking-mad looks that I get.
One of the things that was supposed to keep me busy was the choreography for I Can Only Imagine. I discovered that it's rather uncomfortable to do all the work in view of my brothers and grandmother. So work is slow since the dancing doesn't start until 11:00 PM. Which should be no problem except that my biological clock is working perfectly now. Not a trace of insomnia. I feel sleepy by 10:00 PM and wake up at 5:30AM. So dancing when my body is screaming for sleep is, well, sluggish. Not an iota of imagination/creativity at that hour either. I hope that while steps are coming in slowly, I'll have a decent piece before the semester starts. If I don't, I have two fall backs so I'm not that anxious.
To enhance my housekeeping skills (which, if you don't recall, have deteriorated due to lack of practice), we've swapped duties here at home. The boys are on kitchen duty and I'm the lone staff for housekeeping. My first few days here weren't up to standard. Mom complained. Dad did a lot of bickering. But after those ominous days, people came home at night and not a word was said, which in our family, means that you're finally up to standards.
I brought DVDs of Spanglish and National Treasure home. Both were big hits with the family.
November 3 and 4 have been declared holidays so that adds up to two more weeks of bliss.
But if I'm honest with myself, I'd have to admit that two thirds of me wants to get back to academic life. The other third, well, it wants to continue lazing around and wandering mindlessly through the house.
My greatest achievement this sembreak?
The dogs are in love with me.
October 11, 2005
Skip, Hop, Hop, Jump and Laugh!
To treat myself, I'm downloading episode 2 of season 2 of Desperate Housewives. When I get home, I am really going to hog the tv!
I hope I pass my Stat 131 or else I'll be on only nine units next semester.
Off to sembreak. This place is going to abandoned for a month or so.
Play nice everyone. Ciao!
October 09, 2005
Sleepless Yet Again
As for me (and my house, we shall serve the Lord...), I'm as weighed down by eye bags as anyone. Especially since my chronic insomnia is back. I have actually gone two days without sleep, unintentionally. I lie there in bed trying evey possible technique I can think of to induce sleep but to no success. When I do, by sheer miraculous force, fall asleep, I wake up three hours later. Tonight's another one of those 3-hour naps. Three hour naps that my body somehow thinks it can last on for three days.
I'm going to fail my Stat 131 unless by sheer miraculous force (yeah, it's become my phrase lately), my professor changes the grade equivalents and curves like crazy. It's easier to understnad and accept failure when you know you haven't been putting your back into it. But I've just about thrown my back out studying for this subject and yet, here I have a forty something average leering at me.
God help us.