March 07, 2007

One Last Chance

Graduation is a just about a month away. Papers are due, exams are filling up our days. Our batch has yet to decide on our theme, order our precious sablays and pay the grad fee. I feel the pressure to make the most of my days as a senior knowing that they are numbered.

There's these three things I dream of doing. I literally dream of them. A lot of risk is involved however and that's why they've remained dreams for the good part of the school year. The semester is about to end and I face the question of whether or not the risks are worth it. Just because this is my last chance, am I allowed to be reckless?


merilion said...

depends on what those "dreams" are. wnat to talk about them? =)

Krissy said...

hehe... thanks kuya but two out of the three are kinda... scandalous? well, that's not the right word but i can't think of another one.

hehe...the third one involves a lot of humility, a lot of courage and a community of believers. =)