January 17, 2007


  1. Thinking about that job interview that turned into a resume submission (I applied for a research assistant position at the National Institutes of Health this afternoon). I'm a bit annoyed at how my possible future employer is handling the recruitment process but getting the job is going to be great experience for me and my aspirations to become a biostatistician so I'm gritting my teeth and bearing with the lack of professionalism.
  2. Reading my class notes. Can you believe it? I don't get any leisure reading in anymore. The moment I hit the bed, I'm asleep which is highly aberrant behavior given my intimate relationship with Insomnia. Perhaps we broke up and I just didn't realize it. Whatever. Good riddance.
  3. Listening to Jojo (High Road) and Clay Aiken (Measure of A Man). Can anyone say pop music? Jojo's "How to Touch a Girl" is stuck in my head. I know, I know... It doesn't sound right but trust me, the touching is not what you think it is. I love her voice.
  4. Wishing there were more than 24 hours in a day.
  5. Craving fresh garden salad. It has simply been too long.
  6. Broke. It's a bit embarrassing that I'm borrowing money to get around but I think the GRE reviewer and black slacks are worth the...um...humiliation.
  7. Loving my 3-inch stilettos from Auntie Remy. They are just gorgeous.
  8. Very motivated. I'm doing everything without having to go through the entire phase of getting enough inspiration or momentum. I hope the fuel doesn't run out soon.

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