The contract with the internet provider for our dormitory has expired so we've all just been forced back to internet cafes where the keyboards are wacky and the webpages take a week to download. The gap in our lives left after two years of 24/7 internet access is a lunch, dinner, bathroom and study room topic with us ladies these days. Sigh.
I'm on 12 units this semester. That's four majors:
Statistics 125: Statistical Software
Sir Russel again! Ang saya saya! You can't stay grumpy in his class. There's always this light atmosphere that's infectious. We're going to take up excel, SPSS and SAS.
Statistics 132: Nonparametric Statistics.
Sir Greg never fails to give some inspiration during his classes. I'm having a hard time calling him Sir when I used to call him Kuya. He's a churchmate of mine and he even tutored me and my friends in a math subject. The biggest advantage of having a friend as a professor is that you study harder. Nakakahiya eh. Of course, most of the time, it doesn't feel good (especially when you want to take a 4 hour nap) but like they say, "No pain, no gain."
Statistics 133: Bayesian Analysis
This is my third subject with Ma'am Ohly. She's the really kind professor who allowed me to take the exam (in Stat 135 last semester) even if I arrived super late because I overslept. I'll be forever grateful to her.
Statistics 136: Regression Analysis
We haven't started yet but as Sir Joyce is my adviser, I'm looking forward to studying with him. He was ever so helpful and accomodating when I was a shiftee and he was a big help in planning out my course load.
I've signed up and applied to Ex Libris, an organization for book lovers. Finally, a pack of people who understand that it is worth starving just so you can get a certain edition of a book. They say I'm a nerd. I totally agree with Ex Libris when they say that we're just well read. :)
Choreographing for the cantata is on full blast. Just one weekend to go and we haven't even practiced. Good grief di ba?
The good news is that there are now four of us: Sheena, Lu, Janna and me. So if we can't all learn the dances, we can spread them around. Hmmm...I should begin thinking about what we're going to wear too.
You're all invited to come and watch. The Christmas Cantata is on December 4 and 11, 6:00pm at the PSSC which is located between the AIT and New Era along Commonwealth. Admission is free. Bring your friends too. There'll be food(!) after the show.
The biggest news of all? Teacher Mylene has permitted me to get pointe shoes!!! I'm going to start dancing on pointe!!! Of course, where I'll get the P3000 is unknown but I think that's easier to solve than the permit, right? Hehe...I am currently thinking of selling some of my precious books and CDs. That should earn some of it. I'll let you guys know.
That's it for now. Have to go. God bless you everyone. :)
November 21, 2005
November 06, 2005
What I learned Today
1. Never overestimate the hardness of a vegetable you are about to slice. I wounded three fingers because I was too enthusiastic with a sayote.
2. I learnt how to cook what mom calls “Chopsuey para sa mga Tinatamad”. Recipe below.
3. When you’re choreographing a song, accepting your limitations is the surest way to make things easier on yourself. Especially if you’re a beginner.
4. In the rural areas, people don’t worry about thieves stealing TVs or jewelry. They’re more concerned over plant thieves. Really. My mom’s been so anxious lately because just a couple of houses away, somebody’s euphorbias were stolen. Her euphorbias are sporting excellent blooms, all the more reason for more vigilant guard of the plants.
Chopsuey Para sa mga Tinatamad
2 sayote, quartered then sliced crosswise
2 large carrots, sliced into disks 1cm thick
1 cup baby corn
2 cups baguio beans sliced to inch long pieces
3 onions, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 cup diced pork (cooked before hand by sautéing it)
1 cup squid balls quartered
1 pack of Knorr Cream of Chicken
Ginisa flavor mix or soy sauce or oyster sauce
Heat pan. I used a wok. :)
Saute garlic until it begins to turn brown. Add onions, pork and squid balls. Cook for about five minutes on high flame. Meanwhile prepare cream of chicken according to package instructions.
Add soup and sayote to pork-squidball mix after the five minutes. Cook until the sayote are half-done.
Add beans. Cook at medium flame until half done.
Add corn. Um, let that all cook until the vegetables are all done. During this time, you may want to taste the cream and adjust things to your taste by adding any of the following: soy sauce or oyster sauce (the sauce will turn brown of course, so try not to use this if you want the white sauce to remain. Duh.) or Ginisa flavor mix.
Add carrots and turn off the heat. We usually prepare meals thirty minutes before we have the meal. The carrots will cook in the residual heat.
2. I learnt how to cook what mom calls “Chopsuey para sa mga Tinatamad”. Recipe below.
3. When you’re choreographing a song, accepting your limitations is the surest way to make things easier on yourself. Especially if you’re a beginner.
4. In the rural areas, people don’t worry about thieves stealing TVs or jewelry. They’re more concerned over plant thieves. Really. My mom’s been so anxious lately because just a couple of houses away, somebody’s euphorbias were stolen. Her euphorbias are sporting excellent blooms, all the more reason for more vigilant guard of the plants.
Chopsuey Para sa mga Tinatamad
2 sayote, quartered then sliced crosswise
2 large carrots, sliced into disks 1cm thick
1 cup baby corn
2 cups baguio beans sliced to inch long pieces
3 onions, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 cup diced pork (cooked before hand by sautéing it)
1 cup squid balls quartered
1 pack of Knorr Cream of Chicken
Ginisa flavor mix or soy sauce or oyster sauce
Heat pan. I used a wok. :)
Saute garlic until it begins to turn brown. Add onions, pork and squid balls. Cook for about five minutes on high flame. Meanwhile prepare cream of chicken according to package instructions.
Add soup and sayote to pork-squidball mix after the five minutes. Cook until the sayote are half-done.
Add beans. Cook at medium flame until half done.
Add corn. Um, let that all cook until the vegetables are all done. During this time, you may want to taste the cream and adjust things to your taste by adding any of the following: soy sauce or oyster sauce (the sauce will turn brown of course, so try not to use this if you want the white sauce to remain. Duh.) or Ginisa flavor mix.
Add carrots and turn off the heat. We usually prepare meals thirty minutes before we have the meal. The carrots will cook in the residual heat.
You can use any of the Knorr cream soup packs but the Cream of Chicken gives the best results. Also, you can add celery or spring onions to this. Mom does that when they're around. I'm not sure when you're supposed to add them but mom says that the rule of thumb is "Hard vegies first." Of course, exceptions to this rule are those vegies that you can actually eat raw like carrots and celery. I've also found that the more onions and garlic, the tastier. Know thy limits though.
And if you cry easily (like me) when doing the onions, here's two ways to cope: 1) put the onions in the freezer. when they're cold, they don't emit the sulfur easily. 2) turn the electric fan on and make it face you. it blows the irritants away.
Sorry if things seem disorderly and imprecise but my mom was teaching me this from her head and there were no exact measurements of things so this is my best rendition of the whole process. Cooking is fun. :) Tomorrow mom's showing me adobo. She says it's so easy that she hardly needs to teach me. "Just throw it all in, marinate then cook on low heat after it boils," she says. Right. Easy for her to say.November 04, 2005
A Book Review of Sorts

Reading ebooks is one of the most effective filters for books. A boring book will be deleted from my computer system in a matter of ten pages. But when a book is good enough, I'll endure hours infront of the computer to finish it. The Artemis Fowl series was worth the eye strain I was subjected to. The series consist of four books and I read the first three: Artemis Fowl, The Artic Incident, and Eternity Code. I'd say the books are to the fairy world what Harry Potter is to the wizard world. I was hooked from page one of book one until the epilogue of book three.
The series chornicles the adventures and schemes of twelve year old genius Artemis Fowl to secure more wealth for the family. He's backed by Butler and Juliet. You'll meet Holly, a fairy and a Lower Elements Police officer; Foaly, a centuar responsible for the high tech gadgets the LEP uses; and Commander Root, Holly's boss. In the first book, Artemis obtains the book that discloses all secrets of the fairy world, kidnaps Holly and hols her ransom for fairy gold. In the second installment, our characters handle a goblin war and the rescue of Artemis' father. The fairy world is once again threatened by a human in the third book and Artemis and his gang join forces with the LEP to contain the threat and avoid anarchy.
The books hold your attention with folklore, legend, magic and technology trivia. There's Foaly's sarcastic comments to keep you smiling and the mind of Artemis to keep you guessing. I enjoyed the ride immensely notwithstanding eye strain. And I'm itching to get my hands on the fourth installment: Opal Deception. It's all I want for Christmas. *wink wink*
Well, not all. I want the entire bunch, as in all four books. :)

Reading ebooks is one of the most effective filters for books. A boring book will be deleted from my computer system in a matter of ten pages. But when a book is good enough, I'll endure hours infront of the computer to finish it. The Artemis Fowl series was worth the eye strain I was subjected to. The series consist of four books and I read the first three: Artemis Fowl, The Artic Incident, and Eternity Code. I'd say the books are to the fairy world what Harry Potter is to the wizard world. I was hooked from page one of book one until the epilogue of book three.
The series chornicles the adventures and schemes of twelve year old genius Artemis Fowl to secure more wealth for the family. He's backed by Butler and Juliet. You'll meet Holly, a fairy and a Lower Elements Police officer; Foaly, a centuar responsible for the high tech gadgets the LEP uses; and Commander Root, Holly's boss. In the first book, Artemis obtains the book that discloses all secrets of the fairy world, kidnaps Holly and hols her ransom for fairy gold. In the second installment, our characters handle a goblin war and the rescue of Artemis' father. The fairy world is once again threatened by a human in the third book and Artemis and his gang join forces with the LEP to contain the threat and avoid anarchy.
The books hold your attention with folklore, legend, magic and technology trivia. There's Foaly's sarcastic comments to keep you smiling and the mind of Artemis to keep you guessing. I enjoyed the ride immensely notwithstanding eye strain. And I'm itching to get my hands on the fourth installment: Opal Deception. It's all I want for Christmas. *wink wink*
Well, not all. I want the entire bunch, as in all four books. :)
November 03, 2005
Low Productivity
Before the sembreak started, I compiled a list of things I could do to keep myself busy:
1. Read Sex and the Supremacy of Christ and write the review you promised you would write.
2. Choreograph I Can Only Imagine, just for fun. Ate KC is doing the serious one. i hay ve no doubt her dance is going to be superb. Mine will look like soggy spaghetti.
3. Go through closet and sort out old, outdated clothes and pack into boxes for charity.
4. Catalog books at home.
5. Create input for writer's journal at least once a day.
6. Introduce mom and dad to laptop that's currently stuck in the closet awaiting the end of days.
7. Read Harry Potter book 5.
8. Go jogging or walking for an thirty minutes each day.
9. Do stretches and releves for ballet every day.
Well, I have five days to go and the only things I've accomplished on that list are items 3, 4, 6, and 7. Lovely eh?
I don't have an appetite for Sex and the Supremacy of Christ just now. The appetite to read it waned considerably two weeks after I got the copy in my email. However, I have read the following ebooks this sembreak:
Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
The Artic incident - Eoin Colfer
Eternity Code - Eoin Colfer
Deception Point - Dan Brown
Digital Fortress - Dan Brown
The Broker - John Grisham
Calvin & Hobbes comics from 1985 to 1988
Reviews are in the making.
About the choreography, I'm dead meat. Janna texted me about three days ago and said that we're on our own. Skipping details, I am now back to being the clueless, worthless, choreography-less dance ministry head that I was two months ago. Now that the pressure is truly on, I'm stuck on the second stanza with no steps whatsoever popping up in my mind. I'm praying that a teacher from ballet school would be willing to choreo for free, then teach me the whole thing in a under two weeks (for free!) so I can teach it to the rest of the team and we can all practice it before the cantata. Which is to say, I am praying for a miracle.
As for items 5, 8, and 9, I don't do them every day so it doesn't count when I do. Besides, if I had followed the original plan, I wouldn't be sitting here with two pounds of extra weight around my waist.
One can only hope that the book catalog, laptop lessons and old clothes serve their purpose. that way, my sembreak would not be a total disgrace relative to The List.
1. Read Sex and the Supremacy of Christ and write the review you promised you would write.
2. Choreograph I Can Only Imagine, just for fun. Ate KC is doing the serious one. i hay ve no doubt her dance is going to be superb. Mine will look like soggy spaghetti.
3. Go through closet and sort out old, outdated clothes and pack into boxes for charity.
4. Catalog books at home.
5. Create input for writer's journal at least once a day.
6. Introduce mom and dad to laptop that's currently stuck in the closet awaiting the end of days.
7. Read Harry Potter book 5.
8. Go jogging or walking for an thirty minutes each day.
9. Do stretches and releves for ballet every day.
Well, I have five days to go and the only things I've accomplished on that list are items 3, 4, 6, and 7. Lovely eh?
I don't have an appetite for Sex and the Supremacy of Christ just now. The appetite to read it waned considerably two weeks after I got the copy in my email. However, I have read the following ebooks this sembreak:
Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
The Artic incident - Eoin Colfer
Eternity Code - Eoin Colfer
Deception Point - Dan Brown
Digital Fortress - Dan Brown
The Broker - John Grisham
Calvin & Hobbes comics from 1985 to 1988
Reviews are in the making.
About the choreography, I'm dead meat. Janna texted me about three days ago and said that we're on our own. Skipping details, I am now back to being the clueless, worthless, choreography-less dance ministry head that I was two months ago. Now that the pressure is truly on, I'm stuck on the second stanza with no steps whatsoever popping up in my mind. I'm praying that a teacher from ballet school would be willing to choreo for free, then teach me the whole thing in a under two weeks (for free!) so I can teach it to the rest of the team and we can all practice it before the cantata. Which is to say, I am praying for a miracle.
As for items 5, 8, and 9, I don't do them every day so it doesn't count when I do. Besides, if I had followed the original plan, I wouldn't be sitting here with two pounds of extra weight around my waist.
One can only hope that the book catalog, laptop lessons and old clothes serve their purpose. that way, my sembreak would not be a total disgrace relative to The List.
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