October 16, 2007

Dove "Onslaught" Ad

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty hits it again with another ad: a 60 second film entitled "Onslaught". Images of different bodies, beauty procedures (including several shots of liposuction which made me squirm) and expanding and shrinking women capture you in the same way the earlier commercial featuring the transformation of a model and the photoshop-ing of her features did

Its finale reads: "Talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does"

It's almost difficult to remember that it is a brilliant brand marketing strategy.

Check it out by clicking here.

I wonder who did the market research for this, if any...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waaaah, ang masasabi ko lang,

ang kapal ng mukha ng Unilever...

Sa kanila kaya yung ponds... whose commercial says look younger and your husband will love you more, officemate will open the car door for you...

Ano ibig sabihin nyan? They don't believe in real beauty, they believe in the power of marketing it right.