Reflecting on the incident, I can now come up with a couple of theories on why porches fascinate me so.
1. I grew up in a home that had one. I have memories of many afternoons spent on the porch. Me playing with my dolls, my dad teaching me how to play chess, my mom and grandmother sitting there talking, my brothers learning how to skate.
2. A porch offers you a larger and more interactive view of the world. You can watch sunsets and dawns. You can watch people walk by. You can talk to the people who come by. You can invite them over for some refreshments. It's ideal for catching some inspiration.

3. It's where a man will walk me to. It's where me and him can watch sunsets and dawns together. It'll be where we go out to to clear our heads during an argument. Every marriage has them. It'll be where I'll sit with my baby on the swing, where I'll watch my child go to school, where I'll meet them when they come in after school. It'll be where I'll see my kid and grandkids off. It'll be where me and my husband, after the years, will sit in rocking chairs and watch the sun set.

And here I digress. Sort of. I have another blog, but it's title and theme pressure me in a way. I wanted to take a "breather" and I found myself looking for some sort of "safe ground". A place where I'd feel free to discuss anything and everything and not think about what I should be talking about.
And so I decided to create a porch. A place where I can sit, cradle a cup of coffee and let things unravel where they may. A place where any theme, topic, discussion can find a couple of soft cushions and sun beams and the space.
Blogging is much like hunting for your place. You go through a couple until you find one that you're most at home in. And this will be my third stop. It's looking good so far.
Come on over neighbor and let's chat.